say something about ... yourself!

wings tonight. Im skipping out on a wedding with a coworker. beer tonight. metal. football. farting.

only bad thing about tonight is that it isnt 50 degrees or lower. cant wait for summer to be over
I also need poker buddies :(

I need bingo buddies :(

I miss that god damn game! I almost saw an old people riot once, when the computer screwed up and called all the wrong numbers, and many people were told they didn't really have bingo. :lol:

Well, we need to get Al's parents dog one of those neck donut things. Even the spray isn't keeping her from chewing her ass. It's not as bad as it was, but it's healing awfully slow because we have to scold her a thousand times through out the day for chewing it. She hates her butt spray too! I have to surprise butt spray her most of the time.

WinRAR - check
Winamp - check
Bong - check
Super chron - check
Lighter - check
Jizzrag - check

Looks like I'm ready!