say something about ... yourself!

graduation in 6 days!!!!!
Congrats :D

Our radio station is about to hold a press conference explaining the deal between two of our jocks that have a big feud and are planning on having a boxing match to resolve their differences. After this whole thing started, all the on-air guys decided they wanted to get in on it somehow, so now the entire event has turned into KISW DJs battling one another. They're even letting me and Steve in on it. WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A CHEESEBURGER EATING CONTEST!!!! Fuck yeah! I'm planning on winning. This event is taking place sometime in November I think at some casino and Steve and I are officially on the undercard. So between now and then I gotta talk some smack and get him scared. Anyone know any good cheeseburger insults? haha

This presser is happening literally on the other side of my cubicle, so I'm planning on taking some pics. This is going to be fairly epic methinks. :headbang:
Preliminary pics:


feels like a shithead.

hung out with a friend of mine today - not a really close friend, but i've hung out with him and his girlfriend more within the past few weeks than i think i have since moving home, more than i think i've seen a lot of my really close friends, too. the two of them combined talk less than i do. so i get to his house and he says his gf isn't gonna be over for like 3 more hours. we start to watch a movie but after about a half an hour i just get to bored that i make up a lie about having to talk my car home so my dad can get to work. he offers to follow me there and then drive me back to his house but i lie again, badly, and say that i'm really tired (well, i am tired...), apologize, say we should do something tomorrow night after he gets out of work and she gets out of school, and leave

shit, is it just possible to max yourself out on people or something?