say something about ... yourself!

So tonight Steve and I are returning to our humble radio beginnings for the first time in 7 years. We were invited a couple weeks ago to come back to the college radio station to co-host the new metal show for a night during their yearly pledge drive. This show is apparently a progressive rock/metal show and we were asked to bring a bunch of stuff to play. I've got some Meshuggah, Textures, Neuraxis, Gigan, Porcupine Tree, Ion Dissonance, Agalloch, Psyopus and some other shit.

We'll probably be able to get away with swearing on air too! This is gonna be a trip visiting this place again after so many years.
What a long day. Got to work a half hour early as I had planned, went to the dentist later with the intention of staying gone only an hour and a half (my lunch hour plus the 30 minutes), but stayed gone a whole hour more because the dentist forgot I was there and went on to the next patient who was getting a bunch of veneers done. I'm definitely finding another dentist, screw that place. I did get my tooth fixed though. Instead of putting another filling on it, they just filed the tooth down, WHICH I HAD SUGGESTED THEY DO FROM THE GET-GO! Oh looks a little lopsided, but not too bad. At least now I don't have to worry about breaking another filling!

So I had to stay an extra hour at work today to make up for the hour that the dentist screwed me out of because they forgot about me. Turned out to be a pleasant extra hour of work though! My boss stayed and chatted with me the whole time, even though she didn't intend to stay that long. Chit chat about this and that turned into chit chat about travel, travel to California, and how she'd seen Alcatraz from afar but would never want to go inside. I kinda jokingly asked if she thought it must be haunted or something, and she very seriously said yes. So, yeah, we exchanged ghost stories and found out that we both have very "receptive" families when it comes to that stuff. She was glad there was someone in the office she could talk to about it, because everyone else would of course think she was crazy. It was fun :)

Getting paid to talk about ghosts >>> working.