say something about ... yourself!

I hate complaining but wow. I'll try to summarize:

I'm in the Honors Program at my college. I get a HUGE extra scholarship by being in the Honors Program, and I graduate with honors, which looks good. BUT I have to do a two-semester tutorial and thesis paper (60 pages around they say, which isn't too bad) project. One semester (spring of Junior year, which will be this spring 2009), is the tutorial, where I do all the research and design a study. And, collect data over the summer, and start writing it. Then the thesis semester, which will be the fall 2009, I'll be a senior. You're supposed to start it as a junior, in your spring semester.

The deadline to register is December 11, you have to hand in your 10 page proposal. You're supposed to find a faculty member within your discipline to work with. So I'm a psychology major, so I had to go through every psychology faculty member, after choosing my topic, and just set up meetings with them. Which is a little ridiculous to begin with.

So after weeks of setting up meetings, I found an adviser. I was like YES, FINALLY. So I was almost done writing my proposal, and BAM. I just got a FUCKING email from him saying more or less, he is going on sabbatical in the fall, so he can't be my adviser.

And I had already gone through most of the faculty, and he was one of the last people on the list with knowledge of my topic, which I've already done some preliminary looking into.

He fucked me over, and I want to go choke him, like seriously, what a fucking ass wad.

If this prevents me from starting in the spring, I'll have to start this all next fall and will only have a month to collect all my data, which and start writing it, so whatever. I'm so fucking pissed.

I don't start college till jan. 6th.

Sorry to hear that Jennifer, I'm sure you will find someone. Stress will just make things worse, try to do something you enjoy doing and get your mind straight.

Good luck.
It's taken some time but I do feel great about having Obama as our president. I regret not voting. I've never felt ok any president but something tells me that things will be ok with Obama in office. I can't really explain it but it might be that feeling kev and Will were feeling the night he won.
Yeah, I thought so up till this point, like up until the last month haha. But whatevs. Whatever happens with it happens, there's nothing I can really do about it.

So in other news, I am currently drinking a cup of coffee and watching Riley the puppy pants chase and terrorize squirrels (they're really laughing at him though because he never even gets close)
I noticed the grade was finally up this morning for my recent wicked tough microbiology exam, and I was kinda sad because I only got an 89%, but then in class today the teacher said "the highest grade was an 89" so I blurted out, "WELL NOW I DON'T FEEL SO BAD ABOUT MY 89 EH?!"