say something about ... yourself!

Yeah Joe's totally on a roll with the whole overly harsh and unecessarily elaborate insults thing recently.

Well, no. Between me and you it's just a joke thing. If you want me to stop I will, I just didn't think you gave a shit. We rattled each other's chains but I never take it personal, there's an unspoken respect between us, at least from where I stand.

And if Tyler is seriously complaining about me being "too harsh" then maybe he should shut the fuck up and not make a negative comment after all my posts (even though he said he had me on ignore) until he can handle a joke. :loco:

Don't forget unfunny!

If I made Kevin laugh, that's all that mattered... he encouraged me.
I noticed the grade was finally up this morning for my recent wicked tough microbiology exam, and I was kinda sad because I only got an 89%, but then in class today the teacher said "the highest grade was an 89" so I blurted out, "WELL NOW I DON'T FEEL SO BAD ABOUT MY 89 EH?!"


On Wednesday I had to miss a class, a class in which we had a recent exam returned in. Later in the day when I showed up to campus for my job, a couple of people mentioned to me: "hey aren't you in my government class?!", so I'm like "uhhh, maybe?", and they respond "YOU GOT THE HIGHEST GRADE IN THE CLASS?!" Since I wasn't there and had no idea, all I could respond with was: " AGAIN?!"

If I made Kevin laugh, that's all that mattered... he encouraged me.
For the most part, it's not you that makes me laugh (although it does happen sometimes)... it's that so many people get so easily irritated by you. I've always liked Tyler but I kinda roll my eyes and then laugh every time he gets so asshurt by you (kinda the same deal with Stormo). I mean to me... it doesn't even make sense to let anything anyone says about you on a forum board bother you. The only person that has control over something like that is yourself, so it reflects insecurity to me sometimes. Obviously it's a totally different story face to face, and if I were a bettin' man, I'd say Joe probably isn't so much the douchebag everyone wants him to be. This is the kind of shit people need to realize when they post pictures in public places online. Once they're posted, they're available for photoshop raping by anyone. I'd never post a picture without considering that first.

So I gotta say... Tyler... I love ya man, but you're not getting any sympathy from me whenever you cry about Joe. It's YOUR decision to let him bother you or not and from my standpoint, even expressing the fact that something he says bothers you will only make it worse for you in the long run.

And Joe's totally right about not making negative comments. If you can't handle his photoshops and jokes about you, then don't prompt him by doing the exact same thing to him. Tit for a tat, if ya can't take the heat, do unto others, etc etc etc ad naseum.

This all seems so childish and simply defendable to me, but I guess humans are just suckers for drama.
novembers doom is so fucking awesome.

particularly the title track of pale haunt departure *swoons at Paul Kuhr's rape of the English language*

also: just reorganized BOTH immense bookshelves for no apparent reason.