say something about ... yourself!

I noticed the grade was finally up this morning for my recent wicked tough microbiology exam, and I was kinda sad because I only got an 89%, but then in class today the teacher said "the highest grade was an 89" so I blurted out, "WELL NOW I DON'T FEEL SO BAD ABOUT MY 89 EH?!"


No offense but I people like you bug me. Sure you wanted to do better, but you still did very well. Complaining about it makes you look like an idiot. I know it's just for attention anyways. When I get a good mark, which I often do, I am pleased with myself. If I did well but not as good as I hoped, I simply study better next time. It's simple.


tl;dr: 89% is great, stfu and stop making the others in your class feel dumb!
No offense but I people like you bug me. Sure you wanted to do better, but you still did very well. Complaining about it makes you look like an idiot. I know it's just for attention anyways. When I get a good mark, which I often do, I am pleased with myself. If I did well but not as good as I hoped, I simply study better next time. It's simple.


tl;dr: 89% is great, stfu and stop making the others in your class feel dumb!

Shut up. Go rant somewhere else.
No offense but I people like you bug me. Sure you wanted to do better, but you still did very well. Complaining about it makes you look like an idiot. I know it's just for attention anyways. When I get a good mark, which I often do, I am pleased with myself. If I did well but not as good as I hoped, I simply study better next time. It's simple.


tl;dr: 89% is great, stfu and stop making the others in your class feel dumb!

No. Stop.

<3 Derick. <3 him. Now.
On Wednesday I had to miss a class, a class in which we had a recent exam returned in. Later in the day when I showed up to campus for my job, a couple of people mentioned to me: "hey aren't you in my government class?!", so I'm like "uhhh, maybe?", and they respond "YOU GOT THE HIGHEST GRADE IN THE CLASS?!" Since I wasn't there and had no idea, all I could respond with was: " AGAIN?!" Apparently they were talking about me in my absence due to my stellar marks.
Haha today at work is hilarious. One of our stations is running a pledge drive to benefit a local non profit organization. This stations core demographic is middle age/mid-upper class music fans. It's not like pussy rock stuff, but people that are older and still into modern contemporary rock like SNow Patrol, Coldplay, Dave Matthews, etc. The employees are mostly new age types concerned with the environment and "being green" etc etc etc. SO basically, they've opened up the station to request for whatever amount people want to donate.

Well, on the Rock station Metal Shop is on, we have a daily afternoon show called The Mens Room, and they're completely hilarious. They decided THEY wanted to get involved too so they barged into the other stations studio while the host was on air and gave her a proposition. They'll get people to pledge on KISW and for every $100 they get, they get one minute on air on the other station. They're going for 30 minutes starting at 5pm (15 minutes). So it's pretty funny to listen to both of these stations talk about each other (that NEVER EVER happens even when the stations are owned by the same company) and have DJS from one station talking on another.

The best part however... is that any person that calls in to pledge money for The Mens Room to get on The Mountain.. if they pledge an extra $10, the phone reps (who are set up on The Mountain side of the building, with all the hippies, and me) have to yell as loud as they can.. "LIQUOR AND WHORES!!!!!!" So every now and then I hear a random "LIQUOR AND WHORES!!!!!" followed by cheering. Pretty hilarious haha. And it makes it so 2 stations instead of one are bringing in donations.

And to boot, now Mountain listeners are donating money to keep The Mens Room off the station lol. Lots of laughs today :D
HAHAHAH there's another liquor and whores! And now they've brought in $2600 which means they're going to take over The Mountain for 26 minutes lol. This is great!
It totally is. And this is some of the funniest shit I've ever heard on either of these stations. Awesome. They're talking about and singing Steely Dan now haha.
No offense but I people like you bug me. Sure you wanted to do better, but you still did very well. Complaining about it makes you look like an idiot. I know it's just for attention anyways. When I get a good mark, which I often do, I am pleased with myself. If I did well but not as good as I hoped, I simply study better next time. It's simple.


tl;dr: 89% is great, stfu and stop making the others in your class feel dumb!

Wow, really? I find you most funny when you are serious :lol:
I am super tired and what did I do? Smoked a bowl, now I feel like doing nothing the rest of the day besides sleeping. I think I'll take a nap now.
Shut up. Go rant somewhere else.

I make a pretty hot girl.

EDIT: That's a little much and uncalled for, you French-Canadian fruitcup.