say something about ... yourself!

I have pink eye. I'm gonna rub my eyeball on some people's keyboards at work tomorrow.

I hope you feel better, Samantha!

Hheehhehe, That is pretty much what Al's family did. They have both come back from Dayton and coughed all over the house. They both got colds from the grandchildren. I'm counting the days until they pass on the love to us. :lol: I wish they would keep their sick ass in Dayton. :ill:
i dunno about shellin out another $130+ just for a recoil reducing stock....are you only shooting the heavy load shit? the recoil used to bother me a bit more, but i got used to it/learned to hold it tighter against my shoulder or something. i dunno though, i guess you gun nuts love your accessories :loco:
my little sister came home from school early because she was having stomach pans. apparently, the school nurse thought she was on drugs because she was talking slowly. my little sister tells my mom this and, naturally, my mom goes on this huge rant about how much she hates drug users and she wants us all to be "on the upper level" and not do drugs. and then my mom starts talking about these PETA-members attacking the ships of Japanese scientists who were doing research by killing whales and how, when the people who climbed onto the boats to attack the scientists were calling the coast guards claiming to be held hostage, this pertains to a discussion she and i were having SEVERAL days ago which was just more her telling me what she thought was an oxy-moron and me telling her that she was wrong.
