say something about ... yourself!

I'm just about dead right now. Sick, tired, spring break is over, wandering around New York, getting lost in Central Park, going to sleep now, see ya!
Dinner with my sis (the one getting married), talked about how crazy her in-laws are, went to Starbucks and had a three hour conversation including but not limited to bread, my dad's dislike for pizza, black people, lesbians, and abortion clinics. <3 That's quality sister bonding.

I got shrimp fettucini alfredo and while it was good, it's not as good as Chris's. So I'm pretty sure he laced it with crack. :)
Good grief, I hate filling out online applications, but this one might be important. While hanging out with Brian and his brother and his brother's girlfriend at the Bat Castle show, we started talking about jobs and stuff. Turns out the girlfriend is a manager at a staffing agency and she said she can get me a job, that she has over 200 positions available that are not posted anywhere yet. Cool!