Say something bad to the previous person game

^Stop shouting you stupid bitch.

(This thread simply fails comparing it to *say something nice ...* because pple are afraid to post here, afraid of being attacked or harmed by your aggresive harsh insults,although they know they're only jokes,and also this place is not good for a starter like me,I know now you'd say "Then get the hell out of it!" I'd say shut the fuck up)
This thread simply fails comparing it to *say something nice ...* because pple are afraid to post here, afraid of being attacked or harmed by your aggresive harsh insults,although they know they're only jokes,and also this place is not good for a starter like me,I know now you'd say "Then get the hell out of it!" I'd say shut the fuck up
which is why I close and deleted these sort of threads.
Either people don't post or people get so offended that they write alot of angry letters to us poor mods ;)