Say something bad to the previous person game

Good one. Now you just think you're coming up with better insults, when in reality you're just trapped within a small personal bubble of self-denial and determination to succeed over another when it isn't possible because of the utter black mass of infectious virulence that you type out onto the screen so eagerly is actually the reflections on your own failure.
From what site or from who did you steal that line? I don't think you're smart enough to write something like that yourself nor do I think you understand it yourself
Good one! Now you're coming up with theories of me not having the intelligence to come up with so grand, but in this case, you're the unintelligent one because I actually did come up with that entire insult myself, without aid of an outside medium. Also, I think you should dig yourself a hole and live in it, as the filth that you create with your writing is just as wretched as the poster above my previous post.