Say Whaaaaaaa!


Mar 13, 2002
Your FKN' face!
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Did ANY of you guys (and gals) know that UM had forums for MegadetH,
I sure a shit didn't.
But now I know!
And knowing is half the battle!


Goddamn, I'm oldskool like that. :Smug:
I have the GI Joe movie VHS. A lot of the purists don't like the movie because they screw with the story a lot. For example, Cobra Commander all of a sudden is a huge lizard. He was supposed to be a human. Zartan, Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow and Scarlet play almost no role in the movie. Regardless, you can't beat the intro of that movie. Cobra trying to blow up the Statue of Liberty and the Joes kicking their collective ass.
The only Joe DVDs I've ever seen (and the only ones lists) are The Movie and the original 2 mini-series'. They need to make full season sets before there's a full out revolution.
Sgt-D said:
Fuck yeah. A pal of mine has the GI Joe movie on bootleg video, and it kicks some ass. Not as much ass as the 2 seasons & movie of Transformers I have on DVD, but damn close.
i give god like salutes to you sir for the transformers dvd. transformers is the daddy of all cartoons although gi joe (action force in uk) comes a very close second
I'm sorry - but the metal version of the transformers theme song just plain rules! it rules!

My little man headbangs to it and gives the horns.
hizell yeah!

And the intro to the GI JOE movie is the shit.

ahhhh the golden days of me youth....
Ragamuffin said:
That's the worst idea I've ever heard.

Either the CG characters won't look real enough (too spacey) or the costumes will smell strongly of cheese. I'll end up going cuz my 5 year old watches them daily.
Robotech ruled... true anime... people died in it. Not like GI Joe where they shot lasers from ordinary rifles and no one ever got iced. Shit, they'd say drop your weapons, and the dude would have two buck knifes and three pistols strapped to him.

I'm waiting for Voltron and Thundercats to come bursting back.