Say what you will about Whoracle


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
but it's a damn good album for when you're working out.* Everything seems to play at "work out" tempo, and by the time you've warmed up, you're on to "Gyroscope" which is one of the greatest IF songs ever.

*work out = dumbells, light bench pressing etc (not running)

Any other albums sound good for a work out?
In Flames is one of the most overly slagged metal bands of all time, I think. Sure, their new stuff sucks, but I don't see why that means people must feel the need to piss on their older, quality material.

I listen to thrash when I work out.
lurch70 said:
lol @ Ali working out

haha, that's it, I've decided -- time to drop 20lb.

I stopped eating carbs 4 weeks ago, and I've already lost 8lb. Now I'm hitting a plateau so I need to kick start some calorie burning and shape up.

All to the sounds of In Flames, Amon Amarth, and Vader. :loco:
man, i tried that carb free diet and i nearly died after 7 days ... but that shit does work. I dropped about 4-5lbs in a week and my face and arms were noticeably thinner.

but that shit is real dangerous
it becomes real dangerous once you run out of fat. Your body will then start digesting your own proteins, mostly coming from your muscles, then the proteins coming from your heart (in other words, you're dead). If you start eating food with a lot of proteins instead of carbs, you ensure losing fat without putting your life at risks.

Cutting carbs is the best way to lose fat, but you gotta be careful. Btw JAyk, what are you eating to cut these carbs??? A lot of fish I guess? Prolly the best meat on earth, and not as dangerous as everyone thinks. Only tuna can be dangerous, but mostly to pregnant women.
I also like working out to In Flames. I usually pick Colony or Come Clarity. I work out with another dude, so I try to pick music that won't scare the crap out of him. One time I played Converge 'You Fail Me', and he was like, "that guy sounds angry."

Converge 'Jane Doe' is the best work out album of all time, though.
AsModEe said:
it becomes real dangerous once you run out of fat. Your body will then start digesting your own proteins, mostly coming from your muscles, then the proteins coming from your heart (in other words, you're dead). If you start eating food with a lot of proteins instead of carbs, you ensure losing fat without putting your life at risks.

I'm not sure if I've put that much thought into it. Simply put, I've cut out potatoes, rice, pasta, and bread. That's it.

To keep from feeling hungry all the time, I eat tonnes of vegetables (including cauliflower, carrots etc which I know contain some carbs).

I'm also eating avocado and nuts since it's good fat, and it also takes away the craving to eat carbs.

Cutting carbs is the best way to lose fat, but you gotta be careful. Btw JAyk, what are you eating to cut these carbs??? A lot of fish I guess? Prolly the best meat on earth, and not as dangerous as everyone thinks. Only tuna can be dangerous, but mostly to pregnant women.

Like I say, my diet hasn't changed except for the lack of those 4 main carb sources, so things like chicken & fish remain in my diet.

I walk 2 miles a day and work out about 3-4 times a week for about 30 minutes each time. The fact that this shit is working is keeping me motivated. I did weigh 188Lb, now at 180Lb. I'd like to get to 170Lb or even 165Lb sticking with this diet/exercise routine.
well you haven't completely cut your carbs sources, so you're fine. Some diets consist of taking pills of proteins and completely stop eating, which is like the worst thing you could do, cause you miss on a lot of stuff, like vitamins required to produce energy in your body. The irony is that I'm learning by heart the entire carb/energy reactions for tomorrow's biochemistry exam :S 180 pages of reactions to know by heart... I just wanna kill myself :lol: :erk:
Whoracle has always been my favorite IF disc.

The best way to lose weight is to lift weights, not cardio. The best way to lift weights, is with a balanced diet. Cutting carbs depletes the energy you need to have effective weight lifting sessions.

Try the following to balance your diet:

Take your body weight and multiply by 15. This is the number of daily calories you need to take in to maintain your current weight.

To lose weight, multiply your body weight by 12. Keep the percentage of calories you get from fat to 30% or less. Get 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight. Get the rest of your calories from carbs. Try to get as many of your fat calories from healthy fats; nuts, fish, avacados, etc. Try to get your carbs from complex carbs.

Recently, I've been lifting weights to a Relapse sampler and running to Vader's Impressions in Blood.

By the way Nate, new Converge = :worship: .
I lost 60 pounds by eating healthier and jogging..... eating salads and a fuckload of fruit. Like 2-3 apples, 2-3 oranges, 2 bannanas, and pears if I don't eat them right away, a day.
swizzlenuts said:
I lost 60 pounds by eating healthier and jogging..... .

How much did you weigh before losing 60Lb? Also, the problem I have with cardio is that it bores me, plus my stamina has always been near-zilch.

Vader's "Revelations" is fantastic.