Say what you will about Whoracle

lurch70 said:
but that shit is real dangerous

Very. Plus a bitch because as soon as you start eating carbs again your body - which thinks it has been starving while you're dieting - rejoices by packing back more fat to store it for future fasts. Be careful Ali, I want you to have lots of stamina for a King Diamond love fest when you next come back to the UK :cool: :p

Regular exercise and sensible food is the way to go IMO. Not that I've ever had to loose weight... But maybe that's because I have a sensible diet and regular exercise :loco:
Vader is definitely good workout music. Slayer, too. Destroyer 666 always gets me pumped. Behemoth as well.
Dark One said:
With songs like "Jotun", "Gyroscope", "The Hive", "Jester Script Transfigured" and "Worlds Within the Margin", you can't go wrong, working out or otherwise. Great, great stuff.

The guitar work / leads in "The Hive" is fantastic!
last time I needed to lose weight I just started sprinting up and down the nearest large hill on my bike. Hour a day, my diet remained the same.
Whoracle is the worst of the pre-Clayman days, easily.

Just eat more fruit and veggies, less crap and red meat. Add running to the equation and the weight will drop off in no time.

that carb counting bullshit will work for a time, but like russell said, as soon as you stop, the weight will come back two-fold. saw it happen to a dude. he was fat, then he got skinnier, then he turned into a blimp