no worries. ill wait. i have all the old stuff, but a real copy of rancid fuckhole would be cool.

it'll be on the new born with teeth along with some other bonus guff

they might be limited to 500 for that + the nematoid one
but we're going to keep the cost as low as we can for those who already have this stuff
and want it better quality, (pre-headworm everything was cdr)
Sorry to hear that Paul. That being all that shit. :erk:

Ordering this shit today, just waiting for some Gaypal money to ford its way toward my e-count.

I'm going to assemble a Halloween soundtrack this week and Vermiculatus will play a pivotal role. :kickass:
By "ordering this shit today" apparently I meant "I'll finally get around to it in a few weeks" because just an hour ago did I do just that. Plus the shirt, hooray!

The video is really cool. The song is fucking AWESOME. :kickass:
is this stuff finally out? want to order the cd/tee package ...

1000 apologies guys
you have no idea how many fuck ups out of our control have been made
when we finally aproved the test prints for the disks at the second plant they got delivered and packing had begone before it wa realised that the fucks had made cdrs instead of cds
as you can imagine we (band + label) were totally fucking raging
this was a couple of weeks back
apparently the glass mastered disks ar now on thier way

....this is what we get for having quality control

actually for our own releases in future I don't thin kwe'll even mention a release until the manufacturing is complete
its ok Axl, we understand :loco:


haha, if it was a matter of getting the actual thing finished I'd be even more embarrassed, but its been in the can since may

our list of people not to work with again gets longer

I've been having some other stress thats distracted me from this over the past months but I think the other guys are pretty down about it
we had great momentum on this release until it was out of our hands

there were some pretty cool mag + radio features and whatnot lined up
it'll be hard to get all that shit back on line
its fine ... like I said, whenever Chinese Demo ... errrr. .. I mean Fluke is ready, just give us a hollar :loco:
I hope Paul can keep track of who preordered, since I preordered several months ago. Hopefully I'm the first one to get it, and the band signs the album in blood or something.
right folks
just been informed that after 6 months of plant fuck ups...yes six fucking months
the disks have arrived at the label and they look nice and have no audio clitches

after some more testing they will be packed in the covers and should start to go out next week
I hope to be getting ours on sunday
preorders will all be sent out at the same time

don't know if we'll get any momentuum back on this release ..all previous prmo arrangments have gone to waste
but thanks again for all the support and patience
let me know Paul when you have them in your hands ... will make sure to get a cd/tee combo