dill_the_devil said:Chill out, thesmiley was a clue to the jocular nature of the post.
Awesome. You dudes definitely utilize the bass, it's quite refreshing in a sea of mundane root-only players.unhinged said:hey nad
heres an interesting scald bass fact
you know the bass intro on 'Tap'?
that was actually part of confusexcremental (born with teeth) back when we played it with crisistianity around 1991, we stripped the original song down a bit when scald resurrected it around 94, but that bass bit was too cool to die
bass is just as important as guitar! too many bands waste thier bass player
yeah, i like pig destroyer for (aside from kicking ass) having the "we're not gonna use it, so why bother pretending" attitudeunhinged said:indeed. I always wonder why some bands have 2 guitars and do nothing with the bass.
yes Jim i got it
been meaning to thank you,
and thanks for the thoughtful review
shame you didn't watch the movie bit, it's not a promo vid
an excellent read the zine is too,
really enjoyed it, especially the hammers review + the clan destined review
(I did the art on that)
any chance I could get the scald bit as digital text for when I update the reviews on our site?
I just bought this. This is a CD that must exist in my collection.
For each new CD that comes in, a piece of shit CD gets pushed out. Goodbye Freedom Call's "Stairway to Fairyland". Buh-bye.
For some reason, I've now mentally anthropomorphised JK's CD collection, and can picture the ones less-frequently played muttering to each other nervously...
"It's gonna be me next man, I just know it..."
"What are you talking about? He played you just the other week! I'm covered in dust over here! I'm a gonner, man..."
"Fuck you all, Dill recommended me - I'm screwed!"
This CD is a great mystery to me and also, I suspect, one of those discs were at first the music just keeps flowing past you and nothing sticks, absolutely nothing. And suddenly BANG.
Other than that, I had expected it to be a lot more fast/extreme
so what did mr JK think of it?
Disclaimer: nothing against Freedom Call because "Crystal Empire" kicks my dick in.