this is way out there from what im used to from scald, but yeah, it's a good listen. i too, like the variety it gives
Terrorizer August 2006


Scald's deomos have gained respectgul nods from Terrorizer across nearly ten years, and signing to a label daring enough to take them onboard has finally given the band space to further the ingeniously contorted creative development that has compromised not one iota of individuality in that decade. This unique babd's cold, spacey and decidedly extraterrestrial take on post-grind is truely singular, with each release managing to communicate a darker and more cerebral concept than the one before it. 'Vermiculatus', a single track, 47 minute exploration of the mind's darker recesses sees the band drop thier usual gnashing vocal in order to deliver a crushing instrumental timeline of birth and decay, overarched by a sonic, artistic and conceptual metaphor within which lies a sunless microcosm of futility.
Roughly divisable into two halves - a crunching atmospheric evolution of thier grind past, then it's reassembly through ambient noise - the sibilant, wormlike coursing and tunnelling of its many movements, before a final bleak release, is essential for its very diference.

I typed that out so theres probably mistakes:blush:

a short interview with me representing scald can be found here >>

theres (what I've been told is) a fantastic review too
but its only in Italian
that's great. must be in the next edition. the one we have hear in the states is issue #146, with the gorgoroth dude on the cover and the ireland scene report.
That Terrorizer review is in the issue with a Slayer cover (#147). I have it because I have a subscription. It is probably the most positive review in the whole issue, along with a review for the new Agalloch (saying something like "metal's best kept secret"). I hope Terrorizer follows through with some sort of Breaking Faces interview or something for Scald. By the way, Terrorizer is trying to really crack down on high scores in their mag. Apparently they feel they've let the score creep up over the last few years or so. 8.5 is probably pretty damn solid, I'd say.

So far Vermiculatus has been one of the best reviewed albums I've seen this year.
Nate The Great said:
That Terrorizer review is in the issue with a Slayer cover (#147). I have it because I have a subscription. It is probably the most positive review in the whole issue, along with a review for the new Agalloch (saying something like "metal's best kept secret"). I hope Terrorizer follows through with some sort of Breaking Faces interview or something for Scald. By the way, Terrorizer is trying to really crack down on high scores in their mag. Apparently they feel they've let the score creep up over the last few years or so. 8.5 is probably pretty damn solid, I'd say.

So far Vermiculatus has been one of the best reviewed albums I've seen this year.

to be honest the guy who reviewed it has been a long time fan so he's going to have a better insight, I'd rather someone we didn't know reviewed it but the guy is high on integrity

there are maybe two scores of 9 in the issue

Sadguru said:
Holy fucking shit those samples are superb. I wonder if The End's copies are the limited 999 ones? Can anyone confirms?

thats all that have been made full stop
there won't be any more of these made

if it sells out quickly (which I doubt)
there may be a jewel case version

i'd love to know how many its sold at the end
our next mcd thing will be distributed by them too

Demilich said:
The packaging/art design on this release is also pretty damn cool if it hasn't yet been discussed. I assume Paul was behind it, and if so, :kickass:

indeed and thanks :blush:

have you watched the movie?
unhinged said:
thats all that have been made full stop
there won't be any more of these made

if it sells out quickly (which I doubt)
there may be a jewel case version
Thanks for the infos!! I'm curious about the samples, are they representative of the album as a whole? If so, I don't get the death/grind label at all.
Russell said:
Paul, did you catch the review in the latest issue of ZT? I was meaning to ask you about it when it came out, but kept on forgetting..

I didn't Russell
haven't seen it since its not stocked too well in these parts
whats it say then?

Sadguru said:
Thanks for the infos!! I'm curious about the samples, are they representative of the album as a whole? If so, I don't get the death/grind label at all.

I never understood us being compared to death bands, maybe a bit of carcass / early entombed but its more crust
grind is ok because we came from grind, crust and thrash and these days its more of a sound comparison than a compositional one
...even if our next release is crusty punk as fuck
unhinged said:
I didn't Russell
haven't seen it since its not stocked too well in these parts
whats it say then!

Not so much an album as a project, Vermiculatus is an ambitious artistic expression from Northern Ireland’s Scald. Once again taking the concept of the parasitic worm as a metaphor for various mental conditions, Scald have produced an audio-visual piece which narrates the story of a human life from start to finish. The audio part of the project is a single instrumental track and is itself divided into two sections. The first is a complexly constructed full band performance which twists and clashes as it traces the interaction of the conscious and sub-conscious mind. This is followed by a more ambient piece which is essentially a reconstruction of the performance part. The visual element of the project comes courtesy of ‘Vermiculatus B1’, a profoundly unsettling short animated film which further explores the project’s concept and is accompanied by another re-working of the soundtrack. Unsurprisingly, Vermiculatusisn’t the kind of work that can be dipped in an out of in the search of a quick musical fix. Instead it requires, nay demands, your undivided attention. Hard work, but well worth it.
calum harvie 4

You should be able to get it there, it's available throughout Europe. Go into any WHSmith and if they don't have it, ask, and they will get it in for you in a couple of days :)


theres one shop in town I usually get it
a little independant newsagent

we generally don't have wh smith here
theres only been one in Belfast for a couple of years
thats why the distro is bad

Eason is the main distributor here