
Well, I am Norwegian. I guess (so the story goes) I was born in Norway, my parents moved to the U.S., and ended up giving me up for adoption, they were poor, unfit parents or some bullsh*t. Any way I have never been to Norway tho, thats a trip i must make in this lifetime. Show some respect for my motherland.

I would say that you're an american and not norwegian, your first 15 years of your life make you who you are (my theory of course), do you speak the language?, know the culture?, etc.?,

even though I've lived in states for the greater half of my life now I feel closer to the country and culture where I spent my first 15 years
I would say that you're an american and not norwegian, your first 15 years of your life make you who you are (my theory of course), do you speak the language?, know the culture?, etc.?,

even though I've lived in states for the greater half of my life now I feel closer to the country and culture where I spent my first 15 years

I think a person is whatever they feel in their heart.
i disagree, You are what you are born as, Heritage does not change becuse you wish it to be so, Neither do bloodlines and the flag under wich you worn born under, So i have to disagree, not that i don't see your point, that i do :)

I think a person is whatever they feel in their heart.
Well, I don't know the all particulars of the socio-political situation in Sweden, but it seems to be undergoing the same kind of social engineering that is destroying the rest of the Western world. From what i understand even Iceland is no longer immune to the "joys" of multiculturalism.

It's almost like Europe is actually strapped to an operating table and being operated on by blind chimpanzees. It's a truly sad sight. :(

Proud Swedes arise!
I think a person is whatever they feel in their heart.

I agree with you. I understand that is difficult for some people to understand that the fact of being born in a country it doesn't mean that you have to agree with everything that comes from this country's way, that you have to feel proud for everything there, that you have to agree with the way they're doing everything, although that way is unfair. I would like they understand that the fact that people are born here or there is only a circumstance, it doesn't mean that you have the obligation of being there all your life, or that you have the obligation of saying YES to everything only because that's your native country and so on. It's great to feel proud of your country but I would like that people understand that for being proud of your country that country has to have reasons to feel proud about, if it hasn't, then unconciously you focus your attention and your pride in another country.
i disagree, You are what you are born as, Heritage does not change becuse you wish it to be so, Neither do bloodlines and the flag under wich you worn born under, So i have to disagree, not that i don't see your point, that i do :)

I disagree. Is normal that people who lives in countries like Sweden think like this. But in the world there are lots of countries, lots of people, lots of wars, lots of political problems, lots of kinds of terrorism; unfortunatelly not everything is so marvellous in the whole world as it is in Sweden.
You are born where you are born, ok, but you are what you feel in your heart. You are what something inside of you tells you that you are.
Imagine that someone is born in a very poor country, or in a country that is in war, or in a country with dictatorship, or in a country with high differences between classes: the poor are very poor and the rich are very rich. That person is born there and while he/she is growing up he/she realizes that things are not fair there, that something very strange is happening in that country, and that's not the same in all countries. There are countries where people is happy, where there are no wars, where there are no terrorism, where there are not so many differences between classes, where there a nor people very very rich neither people very very poor. My question is: why this person has to feel proud of his/her country? Why this person has to be obligated to be there: because the flag under which he/she has born under says that he/she has to feel proud about it? the heritage and the bloodlines is a reason to live in a country and surrounded for the people from your country although you're unhappy?
I perfectly see your point but unfortunatelly not everywhere things are like they are in Sweden. You have to know that Sweden is a role model to follow for many countries.
I would like they understand that the fact that people are born here or there is only a circumstance.

Indeed it certainly is a circumstance!
You want to know in what circumstance my father, hence I, came to be? My grandfather fought in WW1, last survivor of his unit in the battle of Verdun. At the end of the war he was positionned in french-speaking belgium and met my grandmother there and brought her back to France.
Now thats a circumstance that some freshly immigrated african or whatever won't ever have.
Not only does my bloodline make me french, but it is my right as my forefathers fought for the country and built it with their sweat and blood.

I don't like my government, I don't like what my country is becoming. But hell I'm still proud of what I'm born as.
I dislike the argument which goes like "you don't chose the color of your skin, you don't chose where you are born..etc.." because I find it impertinent. I was brought up in my ancestors' country, and I have a particular culture and education that other people don't have.
And don't tell me I could have been born in Africa or whatever because it isn't true. I only exist thanks to my mother and father and their ancestors and their history. I couldn't have been born from other people. I know thats obvious, but sometimes I feel like I need to actually explain this.

(I do see what you mean though... I guess its not my point of view)

edit : oh, and I could give you a huge list of reasons why you can be proud of Spain if you have issues with that. Or catalan country if you prefer.
Indeed it certainly is a circumstance!
You want to know in what circumstance my father, hence I, came to be? My grandfather fought in WW1, last survivor of his unit in the battle of Verdun. At the end of the war he was positionned in french-speaking belgium and met my grandmother there and brought her back to France.
Now thats a circumstance that some freshly immigrated african or whatever won't ever have.
Not only does my bloodline make me french, but it is my right as my forefathers fought for the country and built it with their sweat and blood.

I don't like my government, I don't like what my country is becoming. But hell I'm still proud of what I'm born as.
I dislike the argument which goes like "you don't chose the color of your skin, you don't chose where you are born..etc.." because I find it impertinent. I was brought up in my ancestors' country, and I have a particular culture and education that other people don't have.
And don't tell me I could have been born in Africa or whatever because it isn't true. I only exist thanks to my mother and father and their ancestors and their history. I couldn't have been born from other people. I know thats obvious, but sometimes I feel like I need to actually explain this.

(I do see what you mean though... I guess its not my point of view)

edit : oh, and I could give you a huge list of reasons why you can be proud of Spain if you have issues with that. Or catalan country if you prefer.

I think it was no necessary you to get so angry because of my comments. When I did my previous comments they were comments in general, my own opinion about some things, but not personalized comments to make anybody to feel badly. It wasn't my intention to offend you plus I think my comments were no offensive.
I don't need any huge list of reason why I can be proud of Spain or Catalonia because I don't need to feel proud about any country. I'm proud of myself as a person, and that's enough for me; I don't need to show any flag, but I respect extremely those who show them and their right to do it whenever and whatever they want.
I would say that you're an american and not norwegian, your first 15 years of your life make you who you are (my theory of course), do you speak the language?, know the culture?, etc.?,

even though I've lived in states for the greater half of my life now I feel closer to the country and culture where I spent my first 15 years
I would agree that I am an American and not a Norwegian by citizenship, but by blood, no one is American, it is entirely a land of immigrants, and I am undeniable connected to my Norwegian heritage.

Well, when my real parents emmigrated from Norway, they moved to the part of the U.S. that had some of their relatives in it, and that is North Dakota. North Dakota is full of Scandinavian descendants, and, lucky for me, the folks who adopted me are of Norwegian descent themselves. My adoptive grandmother spoke Norwegian all the time, barely any English (she emmigrated with her husband and my father from Norway when she was 22, my grandfather 26 and my father was 4). My grandmother knew English, she just preferred Norwegian. My mother's family is all Swedish and Norwegian, and she still uses little bits and phrases of Swedish language and so on. I myself take Norwegian language class every week at our Sons of Norway lodge.

North Dakota is full of Scandinavians, and we have retained much of the culture as possible, for instance we have a Constituion Day Celebration, we have a heritage festival that celebrates our Scandinavian-ness. So, while I am obviously an American, I am also still as connected as I can be to my heritage.

Someday, my adoption records will be released, and perhaps I will know more. Until then, I can still be proud of my Norwegianness.
I would agree that I am an American and not a Norwegian by citizenship, but by blood, no one is American, it is entirely a land of immigrants, and I am undeniable connected to my Norwegian heritage.

I dunno, I think I'm pretty much American. English, Scottish, German, Latvian, Wampanoag... where the fuck else in the world are you gonna find a mutt like me? :D
Its the same in every western european country man. To carry your country's flag may make you look like a nazi.. totally ridiculous.
Europeans have lost the notion of patriotism. But be happy Sweden didn't have a part in WW2 or in colonisation and shit... at least people don't have much justification to make swedes feel bad about their history (even though I'm sure they found a not so glorious part in your history to critisize you for).
Here in France its collaboration here, colonisation there, slavery and whatnot.

except UK. Actually maybe people in the south wouldn't fly flags but actually the crowds around royalty when they are on television are usually waving Union flags.

I'd love to visit the Scandinavian countries. To be honest I wouldn't really know to behave any different than I do here but I'm not someone that goes out causing trouble anyway.
I think it was no necessary you to get so angry because of my comments. When I did my previous comments they were comments in general, my own opinion about some things, but not personalized comments to make anybody to feel badly. It wasn't my intention to offend you plus I think my comments were no offensive.
I don't need any huge list of reason why I can be proud of Spain or Catalonia because I don't need to feel proud about any country. I'm proud of myself as a person, and that's enough for me; I don't need to show any flag, but I respect extremely those who show them and their right to do it whenever and whatever they want.

I didn't get angry actually. By re-reading my post i understand why you felt that but re-read it as if I was calmly having a discussion. On internet, when I'm angry I show it by puting tons of "fucking"s in the middle of my sentences ;)

As for talking about giving you a reason to be proud of Spain it was in reference to you saying that some people have no reason to be proud of their country cause their country sucks (those weren't your words, I know, but its to be brief). And the fact that you said you don't think you "belong" in Spain or whatever. I just thought you had issues :D

except UK. Actually maybe people in the south wouldn't fly flags but actually the crowds around royalty when they are on television are usually waving Union flags.

Yeah of course. Just how during the football world cup in Germany it was the first time germans waved their flags in the street in such great numbers since 1944.
But i don't see Europeans hanging their flags outside their house like in the US. That would never happen in Europe and if someone did that he probably would be targeted as a nationalist/nazi/fascist... unless its a regional flag or something... like the welsch or scottish or breton flag. Wouldn't someone who hangs an english flag in his window in England be suspected of voting for the BNP?
I didn't get angry actually. By re-reading my post i understand why you felt that but re-read it as if I was calmly having a discussion. On internet, when I'm angry I show it by puting tons of "fucking"s in the middle of my sentences ;)

As for talking about giving you a reason to be proud of Spain it was in reference to you saying that some people have no reason to be proud of their country cause their country sucks (those weren't your words, I know, but its to be brief). And the fact that you said you don't think you "belong" in Spain or whatever. I just thought you had issues :D

:D Ok :rock:
Yeah of course. Just how during the football world cup in Germany it was the first time germans waved their flags in the street in such great numbers since 1944.
But i don't see Europeans hanging their flags outside their house like in the US. That would never happen in Europe and if someone did that he probably would be targeted as a nationalist/nazi/fascist... unless its a regional flag or something... like the welsch or scottish or breton flag. Wouldn't someone who hangs an english flag in his window in England be suspected of voting for the BNP?

I will have to disagree there,in the summertime you can see flags everywhere.
But i agree it´s stupid sometimes,like a couple of years ago when a teacher forbid the kids to have a Swedish flag in their class photo,meantime immigrant kids was allowed to have their own flags with them. Apparently there´s no limit to how politically correct you can be.
Yeah of course. Just how during the football world cup in Germany it was the first time germans waved their flags in the street in such great numbers since 1944.
But i don't see Europeans hanging their flags outside their house like in the US. That would never happen in Europe and if someone did that he probably would be targeted as a nationalist/Nazi/fascist... unless its a regional flag or something... like the welsch or scottish or breton flag. Wouldn't someone who hangs an english flag in his window in England be suspected of voting for the BNP?

Actually England flags (just the red cross no blue) are extremely common. England is one of the countries of the UK like Scotland. The BNP uses the Union Flag which has the blue and is for all of Great Britain (which is England Scotland and Wales) and Northern Ireland. Personally I would have thought you would have to have the BNP or NF logo on your window to be thought of as a fascist. The English flag (The St George's Cross) is now put on cars of football supporters in the world cup and so on.

I would still say that for a lot of people the Britishness idea and being used to seeing the monarchy and so on means the union flag is fine.

Maybe I'm overestimating people's intelligence though :erk:

I think things are different in the south though so it's hard for me to say.
Sweden has its problems, Yes we have been in peace for 200years, But don't forgett that once upon atime we were the monsters of europe, And im not talking about the viking era..

And today in sweden we have alot of problems whit two factions: Antifa ( wannabe antifascists who are just as much fascists as the nazis in truth)

And offcourse the Nazis.

These two are tearing things apart when they go into their little struggles, And the tax payers has to pay for the damagage, Sweden is the largest wepon selling country in the world, We have better wepon technology then USA and UK, They both buy our wepons and use em in wars, offcourse we don't have an army that can match UK or Usa but still.

Sweden has even done somethings wich i shall not talk about here, Kinda embarresing to speak off, But all nations have their secrets i guess..
Well for those who never have seen the nature in any scandinavian nation, Here i'll help you out whit sweden atleast :)

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