
Well for those who never have seen the nature in any scandinavian nation, Here i'll help you out whit sweden atleast :)

Sweden has its problems, Yes we have been in peace for 200years, But don't forgett that once upon atime we were the monsters of europe, And im not talking about the viking era..

And today in sweden we have alot of problems whit two factions: Antifa ( wannabe antifascists who are just as much fascists as the nazis in truth)

And offcourse the Nazis.

These two are tearing things apart when they go into their little struggles, And the tax payers has to pay for the damagage, Sweden is the largest wepon selling country in the world, We have better wepon technology then USA and UK, They both buy our wepons and use em in wars, offcourse we don't have an army that can match UK or Usa but still.

Sweden has even done somethings wich i shall not talk about here, Kinda embarresing to speak off, But all nations have their secrets i guess..

o_O Swedish landscapes look wonderful... The music of the video is typical Scandinavian music?

Well, if Sweden has problems... imagine Spain. I think is not necessary I tell that, for example people had fourty years of dictatorship not so many years ago...:(, Here, in the times of dictatorship, people was killed because they had different points of view from Franco's point of view, or they were killed because they were homosexual, or because people from the left did meetings or demonstrations to express their opinions... a really sad and hard period... :( And nowadays still there is people here (they are not the most of Spanish, fortunatelly!) that think that in those times they lived better because there were no thieves or killers in the streets (and I say: of course they were not in the streets, they were in the government!). So imagine if we have things to feel embarrassed about... :erk:
Sweden has its problems, Yes we have been in peace for 200years, But don't forgett that once upon atime we were the monsters of europe, And im not talking about the viking era..

And today in sweden we have alot of problems whit two factions: Antifa ( wannabe antifascists who are just as much fascists as the nazis in truth)

And offcourse the Nazis.

These two are tearing things apart when they go into their little struggles, And the tax payers has to pay for the damagage, Sweden is the largest wepon selling country in the world, We have better wepon technology then USA and UK, They both buy our wepons and use em in wars, offcourse we don't have an army that can match UK or Usa but still.

Sweden has even done somethings wich i shall not talk about here, Kinda embarresing to speak off, But all nations have their secrets i guess..

Yeah I really hate both people who are actual racists and people who call anything such someone saying one culture produces people unsuitable to live in ours racists. I would love it if it was really highly illegal to call anything other than actually saying something because someone is one race (not religion or nationality) racist. Finally the simpletons loose their 'naughty word' :p

I've been reading about sweden's problems with Muslim immigrants and crime especially rape and so on. I can see why that would drive people to the nazi party. Tbh maybe the people who take the extreme opposite side are natural born traitors.

Anyway like I said I'll find a nice spot in here England if I decide to move at all.

About weapons technology, aren't the eurofighter and the american one considered the next step on from the Gripen?
Don't compare nations...

Calm down. He was just saying that there are similarities between the landscape of Sweden and the landscape of Maine. There's nothing wrong with that. There are huge similarities between Sweden and Canada. Even a lot of the things the people do are similar. If you just take out all the man made designations of where a nation is, it's just a piece of land.
Swedens landscape is not like canada, maby in some places here and there..

Calm down. He was just saying that there are similarities between the landscape of Sweden and the landscape of Maine. There's nothing wrong with that. There are huge similarities between Sweden and Canada. Even a lot of the things the people do are similar. If you just take out all the man made designations of where a nation is, it's just a piece of land.
Yeah the eurofighter is the worlds leading fighter, but im talking about wep technology in common, not just one or two things.

Yeah I really hate both people who are actual racists and people who call anything such someone saying one culture produces people unsuitable to live in ours racists. I would love it if it was really highly illegal to call anything other than actually saying something because someone is one race (not religion or nationality) racist. Finally the simpletons loose their 'naughty word' :p

I've been reading about sweden's problems with Muslim immigrants and crime especially rape and so on. I can see why that would drive people to the nazi party. Tbh maybe the people who take the extreme opposite side are natural born traitors.

Anyway like I said I'll find a nice spot in here England if I decide to move at all.

About weapons technology, aren't the eurofighter and the american one considered the next step on from the Gripen?
*shrugs* If you don't want an honest opinion, then don't speak. I can respect someone having a deep love for their homeland, I know I sure as hell do, but getting pissy about isn't going to do much good. Well, truthfully, I can always use the laughs, but it's not going to do your blood pressure any good. ;)
o_O Swedish landscapes look wonderful... The music of the video is typical Scandinavian music?

Well, if Sweden has problems... imagine Spain. I think is not necessary I tell that, for example people had fourty years of dictatorship not so many years ago...:(, Here, in the times of dictatorship, people was killed because they had different points of view from Franco's point of view, or they were killed because they were homosexual, or because people from the left did meetings or demonstrations to express their opinions... a really sad and hard period... :( And nowadays still there is people here (they are not the most of Spanish, fortunatelly!) that think that in those times they lived better because there were no thieves or killers in the streets (and I say: of course they were not in the streets, they were in the government!). So imagine if we have things to feel embarrassed about... :erk:

Its funny you say that cause the last time I went to Spain i lived in this old spanish lady's house and she was telling me the exact same thing.. that she prefered the time under Franco cause she could leave her front door open when she left the house, knowing that she wouldn't be robbed.

As for comparing nations.. theres nothing wrong with that. No reason to be bitchy either... In addition to that, if some countries or regions are called "new something" its often because they looked like the original countries of the settlers who named the place.
And thats what is causing the problems here, People from foreign countries think their ways still is what they should follow, And becuse of it the Nazis are gaining more and more influence, becuse people are getting sick and tierd of being a foriegner in their own land..

That is true with the entire Western world. Non-whites are increasing in number wherever whites live. Non-Europeans have great cultures, so do Europeans, that is why we must remain separate.
You don't get it..

Our glaciers is ours, Our forests is ours, I know what he/she means that i "looks" like maine, But its just wrong nonetheless, call it stubborness..

dude calm down, swedish isnt like perfect, even u said that sweden did somthin embarrassing

u might find this stupid but I, however would rather the desert over snow or green-ish places, its just amazing when u walk bare footed on the warm soft sand, camping in deserts/ sand ski, living in a tent, drinking arabian white coffe while theres a huge ass plate infront of u filled with rice and chicken/meat now thats for me the best view

btw ur replies makes me think, i hope u like amon amarth cuz of there music not cuz they are from Sweden :erk:
I lived in New Brunswick & Nova Scotia (just north, north/east of Maine) but now live outside of Stockholm where I grew up and I must somewhat agree that the scenary looked very familuar over there. But still, walking in the woods was a huge diffrence. Not as open over there as in swedish forests, diffrent trees, bushes, plants and so on... so it was a huge diffrence even if the scenery looked somewhat the same.

But I also have to complain about that swedish nature clip, where is the great lakes and hills of dalarna? Or the mountain-chains of by the western borders? I mean, even I have taken much better pictures that would represent swedish nature better then that clip.

And being somewhat of a nature-nut I must also add the deserts are among the very few earthly scenaries that I don't consider beautiful...
That is true with the entire Western world. Non-whites are increasing in number wherever whites live. Non-Europeans have great cultures, so do Europeans, that is why we must remain separate.

Well.. I thought it made sense...
While we're talking about Sweden, here's a little video which gives sense to that post :
Well.. I thought it made sense...
While we're talking about Sweden, here's a little video which gives sense to that post :

Exactly, any thought of separating Europeans and Muslims is a horrible thought, but yet, we can march into the Middle East with the USA and kill m-i-l-l-i-o-n-s of them in their own homeland. I'm an American, I oppose war and our immigration policy. That goes the the entire West as well.
Exactly, any thought of separating Europeans and Muslims is a horrible thought, but yet, we can march into the Middle East with the USA and kill m-i-l-l-i-o-n-s of them in their own homeland. I'm an American, I oppose war and our immigration policy. That goes the the entire West as well.

do that, and i'll be the first one standing against u in war, and make sure u'll end up under my feet