Scandinavian Tour

So for those that might join me:

I'll see them in my home town Göteborg on Tuesday October 13 at Trädgårn.
Sleeping at home, tickets done.
I'll work that day and the day after, as well as Thursday.

On Friday 16 I'll get on a train from Göteborg at 1527, will arrive Malmö 1823, shall catch the show at KB that night, tickets done.
Sleeping arrangements not sorted yet.
I'll work Friday until leaving straight for the train.

Early Saturday 17 I'll get on the train in Malmö at 0914, arriving in Stockholm at 1339. Will see AA at Arenan that night, tickets done.
Sleeping at a friends place.

Returning be train from Stockholm at 1710 Sunday 18, arriving Göteborg at 2017.

Ticket for Göteborg 295 SEK
Ticket for Malmö 285 SEK
Ticket för Stockholm 290 SEK

Train Göteborg to Malmö 95 SEK
Train Malmö to Stockholm 95 SEK
Train Stockholm to Göteborg 378 SEK

OK, so for Friday October 16, sleeping at Formule 1 in Malmö, 390 SEK for 2 persons (or 1, same price). Located some 2 km from the trainstation, also just over 2 km to the vecnue (KB) from the hotel.

Booked and done, I'm ready :D
OK, so for Friday October 16, sleeping at Formule 1 in Malmö, 390 SEK for 2 persons (or 1, same price). Located some 2 km from the trainstation, also just over 2 km to the vecnue (KB) from the hotel.

Booked and done, I'm ready :D

Formule 1?
Good luck..
me + bed = sleep (hopefully)

Ahhh well, if you measure more or less 2,00m (like me), you'll maybe have trouble sleeping.
I once went to a Formula 1 hotel and man, I'll never forget it.
Tiny beds made for smaller people and a miserable bathroom with toilets that fall into pieces.
Was quite an experience.:)

But maybe the hotels are better over there.
Ahhh well, if you measure more or less 2,00m (like me), you'll maybe have trouble sleeping.
I once went to a Formula 1 hotel and man, I'll never forget it.
Tiny beds made for smaller people and a miserable bathroom with toilets that fall into pieces.
Was quite an experience.:)

But maybe the hotels are better over there.

I'm 195 cm, so we'll see :D
I'm used to smaller beds from all around travelling though, hell I can even sleep in tents at festivals :p

I'm sure it's OK, if not, then I've tried it.

The other option would be bunk bed at a hostel, and bringing your own sheets and stuff, so I'm hoping I've made the right choise.

But of course, you get what you pay for ;)
Doing a scandinavian trip from NYC. I'll be at the stockholm show for my birthday! I'll also be in norway so I might catch the Drammen show on Oct. 8th.

I'd defintely like to meet up with people going to either show. Fucking psyched!!!!
Doing a scandinavian trip from NYC. I'll be at the stockholm show for my birthday! I'll also be in norway so I might catch the Drammen show on Oct. 8th.

I'd defintely like to meet up with people going to either show. Fucking psyched!!!!

Regarding Stockholm:

If you have facebook I'd recommend having a look here:

Guess a lot of us going to the Stockholm show will try and meet up at Kellys before the gig.

Let me know if you need any help, though it's been a while since I lived in Stockholm I could probably help out a bit for any specific questions ;)
Guess a lot of us going to the Stockholm show will try and meet up at Kellys before the gig.

Let me know if you need any help, though it's been a while since I lived in Stockholm I could probably help out a bit for any specific questions ;)

Very cool! I'll definitely be there. Looking forward to hanging out with everyone!
I'm arriving in Goteborg @ 16:45, so 4:45 PM :)

I'm not sure what I'll do at work then, since my current assignment ends next Wednesday, but I should be able to pick you up at the central station.

You arrive by plane at 16:45 I guess?
Is it at Landvetter or at Göteborg City Airport?
Then catch the bus/coach to the city.
You can't get the ticket by cash on the bus, but you can pay by credit card if you wish, or purchase it from a machine before you get on.
For those going to the gig in Göteborg:
Thinking about meeting up in some bar in town before the show, though not sure where to go.

Where there are nice beers or where they play metal?
We can't get both...
I'm not sure what I'll do at work then, since my current assignment ends next Wednesday, but I should be able to pick you up at the central station.

You arrive by plane at 16:45 I guess?
Is it at Landvetter or at Göteborg City Airport?
Then catch the bus/coach to the city.
You can't get the ticket by cash on the bus, but you can pay by credit card if you wish, or purchase it from a machine before you get on.

I'll arrive at Landvetter.
Do you need a credit card for those machines too? For bustickets I mean?
If so, I need to apply for a CC...

And I say we pick a bar with good beers, you can always listen to metal, but you can't always drink good beers!!
I'll arrive at Landvetter.
Do you need a credit card for those machines too? For bustickets I mean?
If so, I need to apply for a CC...

And I say we pick a bar with good beers, you can always listen to metal, but you can't always drink good beers!!

Well, yes.
But I think you can get the ticket inside at a store as well, for cash, not all that sure though :erk:

There is an option of getting them online as well, but then, of course, you need a credit card...

Check this out:

Buy Ticket
To or from: Göteborg Landvetter
Line: Landvetter-Göteborg
Push "Next" button

Did you go back from Landvetter as well, or did you go back from City Airport?

If going back from Landvetter

1 Return (150 kr)
Type email address
Choose payment type Visa / Mastercard / Amex / Diners
Push "Next" button

If going back from City

1 Signle (80 kr)
Type email address
Choose payment type Visa / Mastercard / Amex / Diners
Push "Next" button

Then you'll need to repeat to get a single ticket for the city coach as well.