

Mr. Pibb > Dr. Pepper
Apr 12, 2002
Bay Area, WI
Hey, I'm just starting to get in this whole digital realm of art, etc.etc.etc. What I want to know: Are there any scanners out there that are total pieces of crap that I should watch out for? Any input appreciated. Thnx.
Oh yeah, nother thing on this. A buddy on mine told me that 1200 dpi would be good enough because I'm more than likely going to be limited by the printing process. Does that sound right?
Another thing. This aint for nothing professional. Just for my crap. If I get an understading of all this stuff and am any decent I might do some freelance stuff, but by then I'll have to upgrade anyway. I just looked up the epson. It looks like a nice scanner at a great price, but more than I know I need. Thanks though.
Originally posted by FrostGiant
Oh yeah, nother thing on this. A buddy on mine told me that 1200 dpi would be good enough because I'm more than likely going to be limited by the printing process. Does that sound right?

1200 dpi is pretty big, you can get a photgraph be like 200x200cm (I don't know for sure but anyway)