Scar Symmetry - Pitch Black Progress


Aug 19, 2003
Los Angeles, CA
Man i've been listening to this band for awhile now...and everytime i listen to it, the vocalist Christian really reminds me of Dan Swano. Not because they sound similar..but its just both of them can do such awesome deep growls yet touching and beautiful melodic clean vocals like on Crimson and Nightingale. what do you guys think? musically its more toward the Soilwork (older) sound..but i think its still awesome.

If you guys still havent heard of the, check them out at or click on my banner for samples off the new album that's going to be released May 2nd in the US

yeah, great band...
..and I actually think the clean vocals reminde me a bit of Dan,
but the growls I personally don't like...

btw. this topic was already discussed under one of the other threads.
yeah... i'll just say what i said again:

sure, they sound like they're trying to be soilwork or inflames, but they do it so damn well that i could care less! excellent band, and the new album just rocks like hell. i love it.
Kenneth R. said:
yeah... i'll just say what i said again:

sure, they sound like they're trying to be soilwork or inflames, but they do it so damn well that i could care less! excellent band, and the new album just rocks like hell. i love it.

You can say that again... :Smokin:
Here's a pretty accurate review:

I absolutely love this band. First thing I thought when I heard the first album was "Woah, this guy sings like Dan..." deffinate Swano-isms in the vocal hooks.

Maybe this picture can reveal something??

(Christian Alvestam's old band Solar Dawn...)

Yea, ya know, they may sound like In Flames and the rest of the "NWOSDM" but they do it better and can play circles around the rest of them.

Can't wait for the new album..
mattcira said:
I absolutely love this band. First thing I thought when I heard the first album was "Woah, this guy sings like Dan..." deffinate Swano-isms in the vocal hooks.

Christian also sings in Unmoored, and if I remember well this band has been mentioned in this forum for the same reason, that it has some resemblances with Edge Of Sanity.

I haven't heard Scar Of Symmetry yet.
Christian Älvestam (Scar Symmetry, Incapacity, Solar Dawn, Torchbearer, Unmoored, Quest of Aidance, Angel Blake)

I recommend Incapacity, Unmoored, Scar Symmetry, Torchbearer.

Torchbearer just released a new album to.
AlexGuinness said:
I hope that he is being considered for taking Mikael and Peter's place in another of our favourite bands...

He would do it good but i rather see him stay in the bands he already is involved with. The thought has struck my mind several times actually.
One of the few good bands in Sweden right now. I like the singer because he is not afraid to state EDGE OF SANITY as an influence!! Cool guy.