SCOTT IAN: It Doesn't Matter To Me If It's BELLADONNA Or BUSH Singing For ANTHRAX

Social Distortion

The Voice of Reason
Sep 10, 2004
Lahti Rock City, Finland

Joseph Hudak of The Times Leader recently conducted an interview with ANTHRAX guitarist Scott Ian. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.

On heavy metal fans:

"Once you're infected by this type of music, you have no choice but to love it for the rest of your life. It gets in your soul, your heart and your gut, and you never forget it."

"To me, hard rock and heavy-metal music will never go away. Besides the fact that it's just so good, this type of music has the best fans in the world. They will look deeper and try harder to find things they want to listen to, because you can't hear this on the radio. You have look for this stuff. And that's what makes our audience so much better."

On the band's two most celebrated singers, Joey Belladonna and John Bush:

"They are both such integral parts of this band. But, at this point, it doesn't matter to me if it's Joey or John. I've been doing this for so long that it just feels like ANTHRAX to me. The whole is greater than the individual parts."

On touring Europe with MEGADETH, SLAYER and METALLICA, the revered "Big Four":

"We're lucky that we have Joey, and it feels really good. A lot of that has to do with the fact that he came back to the band and we got to do the Big Four shows. What an amazing way to kick off this next phase of ANTHRAX. Having those dates under our belt put everybody in a good frame of mind, as far as how great this band is and what we can do moving forward."

On METALLICA drummer Lars Ulrich hinting in a U.K. rock magazine that there will be some U.S. shows with the "Big Four":

"It's super exciting to hear Lars talking publicly about it. They're the ones who will make it happen. They're the ones who made it happen the first time around. The irony is that the four big U.S bands of thrash metal haven't played a U.S. date yet. But we spent a lot of time together in Europe this summer, all four bands hanging out, and everybody is on the same page. Everybody wants to do more."

On playing rhythm guitar in PEARL, the rock band fronted by his wife, Pearl Aday:

"I love doing that so much, and I've been able to do it because the schedules have worked out. Eventually the time will come where I have to fire myself. I'm not looking forward to that. But the reality is that ANTHRAX will get too busy again, and I can't be two places at one time."

On his father-in-law being the iconic Meat Loaf:

"It's like having anyone as your father-in-law. It's not like he's on stage when you're hanging out with the guy. We actually had dinner with him last night, and all we talked about was fantasy football. He's just a regular guy who happens to be a legendary rock star."

Read more from The Times Leader.

Yes, I posted the title just to stir up some shit.:D

Anyway, I think it's a pretty good, honest interview with Scott.
Doesn't appear he meant it in any negative way. But it's gotta bother Joey at least a little bit. When John was singing for them most recently, they were saying it needs to be John, PERIOD. And bands tend to usually talk up the CURRENT member, whoever it is...but by saying he doesn't care which guy is singing, he's basically saying that he doesn't care if Joey's there or not...that it wouldn't matter to him if they replaced him. LOL

Yes, I posted the title just to stir up some shit.:D

Anyway, I think it's a pretty good, honest interview with Scott.

The guy is just out for himself. That is how I feel about him. I really don't think Scott Ian is much of a team player. He says "we" i guess that means himself and charlie? His little mans complex really shows sometimes.

He did say he was grateful joey was back, right after he said he didn't care who was singing. He really knows how to unite a band and put good vibes out doesn't he?

I think Joey is much more valuable to the sound of Anthrax than Scott. Scott may have the 'look' that people associate with Anthrax, but he has a lot to prove with his song writing skills. He can run around in circles on stage until he faints, but at the end of the day another bad album like Stomp or Vol 8 and this band is done forever!

But that would never happen. Joey has too much class.
It won't happen anytime soon but I'm sure we'll see Bush behind The mic one more time in the future. It seems like Joey was the last choice in this situation and like he says...Its all Business. I'd be surprised if Joey hangs around after the next record and tour.
He really knows how to unite a band and put good vibes out doesn't he?

Agreed. That's why I think Anthrax is pretty much doomed. He wants Bush, but is covering his tracks. Whatever.

Between the VH1 stuff/Pearl/The Damned Things how much time does he have for Anthrax.

Mark my words, this band is close to its final hour.
...but by saying he doesn't care which guy is singing, he's basically saying that he doesn't care if Joey's there or not...that it wouldn't matter to him if they replaced him. LOL

Yeah, that's gotta hurt. Oh well, Joey knew this coming in. And let's face it.....a paycheck is a paycheck. I think they will have Joey on the next album, and if (when) it fails to sell 100K+ the band will probably be over.

Or not.

Talk amongst yourselves.:Smokin:
if it makes money they'll all stay on. Joey may know he wasn't the first choice ut he needs a paycheck as well.
I think Joey is much more valuable to the sound of Anthrax than Scott. Scott may have the 'look' that people associate with Anthrax, but he has a lot to prove with his song writing skills.

No. It wouldn't be the same without Scott's rhythm playing. He has one of the best right hands in the business.

I thought it was common knowledge that Charlie writes the music and Scott writes the lyrics?
Yeah, that's gotta hurt. Oh well, Joey knew this coming in. And let's face it.....a paycheck is a paycheck. I think they will have Joey on the next album, and if (when) it fails to sell 100K+ the band will probably be over.

Or not.

Talk amongst yourselves.:Smokin:

What Scott said was about the biggest compliment he could give Joey, adter all the shit he's talked about Joey over the years. I'm sure it washes off Joey now, he does it for the fans and the paycheck. And IMO he's doing it really well!! Shame about the predictable set list.
No. It wouldn't be the same without Scott's rhythm playing. He has one of the best right hands in the business.

I thought it was common knowledge that Charlie writes the music and Scott writes the lyrics?

It is common knowledge. As for having the best right hand in the business (and he is right handed), the more I hear Scott talk shit the more I think he is one of the biggest wankers in the business. :lol:
How do you figure??? It does not compute. I mean Scott was on record wanting Bush back, and now he "doesn't care" who sings.

How is this a compliment to Joey? Just curious, not trying to stir the pot (much).:devil:

I meant in in respect of all of the crap Scott has spoken about Joey in the past, this half hearted compliment was all he is ever going to say that is positive ( and I mean that loosely) about Joey. Basically, its not a compliment at all, but it's all Joey is going to get!
Scott said:
On his father-in-law being the iconic Meat Loaf:

"It's like having anyone as your father-in-law. It's not like he's on stage when you're hanging out with the guy. We actually had dinner with him last night, and all we talked about was fantasy football. He's just a regular guy who happens to be a legendary rock star."

You have to admit, that is awesome!

I thought Scott was just being honest. I don't think comments like this would hurt Joey in the least. They've got a good thing going right now (maybe the only possible thing they could have going) and Scott seems to recognizes that.
How do you figure??? It does not compute. I mean Scott was on record wanting Bush back, and now he "doesn't care" who sings.

How is this a compliment to Joey? Just curious, not trying to stir the pot (much).:devil:
Scott is just happy that Anthrax is viable again. He knows that, without Joey, Anthrax would be dead and buried.