The real Anthrax is in my cd player which, as of yesterday, is Anthrology and Stomp 442

. I think I'll spin Sound of White Noise and Among the Living.....
I can't honestly see why you people care so much to whine about who the singer is
Here is my imitation of most of you:

Fuck people either you like the music or you don't. You don't really have a say who the singer is or what the band will do in the future. This isn't Making the Fucking Band. I don't care about the band's motives, who is a dick or who isn't, whether Joey is old and Bush feels betrayed....
I care if I like the music or not and I've liked most of it through the years......
I wonder how many of you really have much knowledge of music history, especially metal and rock. Lineups change, careers go in circles, mistakes are made, and sometimes bands die early. A thousand different bands show this to be the case....
Basically, if you think a band should be doing something just because you personally like it, then your not really much of a fan in the first place. What about taking chances?