Your favourite Czech
mrthrax said:lthe only song he fully wrote lyrics too was anyplace but here
As far as I know you're wrong...
mrthrax said:lthe only song he fully wrote lyrics too was anyplace but here
coldshovel said:A lot of the Bush era song I dont think Joey could pull off. John has such a strong voice. I like Joeys voice I just dont think he can match John. And a lot of the songs on GOTE I like a lot better than the originals. Kinda like when Metallica covers a song, it makes it hard to listen to the original. BUT NOT ALL THE TIME.
t-rave said:I bought GOTE only because I am a die hard fan..I hate when bands try to rewrite / erase never seems to pan out right... this was definitley Anthrax's lowest point IMHO....
Here we go again.spacebeer said:Agreed, it was a very cheap shot of trying and get the old fans back....they realised they wouldn;t cut it with the newer songs so why not go retro, I am glad they finally got it right and got the old line up back cause there is no substitute for the real thing!
johnnieCzech said:As far as I know you're wrong...
Scott has said that John wrote all of the lyrics for Anyplace, and some lyrics in the WCFYA title track. This was an article where he discussed WCFYA track by track.mrthrax said:lol,could count the lyrics for songs he has co wrote on one hand mate,lets not go down that path,the only song he fully wrote lyrics too was anyplace but here,i am 100% sure he only helped out with lyrics on a few songs on sown,so really as far as contributing if u look at the facts he hasnt dont much more than joey...
t-rave said:I bought GOTE only because I am a die hard fan..I hate when bands try to rewrite / erase never seems to pan out right... this was definitley Anthrax's lowest point IMHO....
t-rave said:I hate when bands try to rewrite / erase history...
DumbAss said:I hearby declare, Joey is NEVER allowed to sing John tunes.
The whole reason they did that record was because the FANS wanted them too. I specificaly remember Scott saying "we are NOT trying to change history." There was a high demand for that record by us fans. That is why they did the vote.
jackfromczech said:Hey t-rave, you think that reunion happend just because low sales of TGOTE??? Are you serious man?
CesspoolOfSkulls said:I Doubt Joey would even consider, Good thing too! I'm just fine with my classic thrax.
Even if it's without Charlie and Scott??jdelpi said:I want a NEW Anthrax album with whatever the hell lineup they can assemble.
mrthrax said:i highly doubt it my friend!!!!!
where is the official j delpi answer