Scott's guitar playing these days...

AlexStomp said:
I don't think of Scott as just a rythm guitarist. He's, in a way, always been a frontman of Anthrax's. He writes the lyrics for the songs. It's as if he's always wanted to be a singer but didn't have the voice. It's cool. He's good at it. Remember the episode of "Married with Children"?? That's when I realized this fully about Anthrax. I thought it was interesting that of all the songs they could have chosen to do on the show, they chose the one with Scott singing. Rather than one with Joey.

Charlie is a good good songwriter. I like the formula/chemistry that this band has. Great line-up too. With a producer IN the band.

I was at the MMA taping. I was standing directly from Scott. 3 feet away TOPS. You might even see me if they release a DVD of this. My jaw dropped when I could see SCott play some of the older tunes. They pegged this whole fucking thing in one take! He pounded the fuck out of this guitar flawlessly, without fucking up once. Trust me, he still has his chops.
Alex I might be dense but Scott only sings part of In My World, right? Anyway yeah I hear Joey not singing on the show says a lot about Scott Not being the frontman. I think Scott is more noticeable than Metallica sometimes. My 2 cents Scott is a good rythym player who does other thing like intros and dual solos etc. Not everyone is Jimmy Page or Eddie Van Halen.

Anyone one remember the guitar magazine interview with Scott and Danny where one of the titles read rythym not lead? Should Malcom young hang it up too?
There is alot to be said about awesome riffs and actually I think Scott still has them. But take into account the picture - Ever watched someone like vai or Eddie Van-Halen live on stage. Boring as a stale bottle of piss! Anthrax is a Live Band ! Scott doesn't fuckin stop the whole time he's on stage. Stop being so critical and be gratefull you can go to an Anthrax show and truly be entertained. This is a Metal Band not a The Dave Weckle Band or some shit like that. If you want octaves / add nines / finger picking / screaming solos, etc there's plenty of other bands out there for you. Fuck - look at the execution and delivery of Hendrix's material. It churns my stomach but I appreciate it for what it was and the fact that in some cases, he did it first.
Same can be said for Scott and the rest of the band for that matter.
PHSYCO said:
If you want octaves / add nines / finger picking / screaming solos, etc there's plenty of other bands out there for you. Fuck - look at the execution and delivery of Hendrix's material. It churns my stomach but I appreciate it for what it was and the fact that in some cases, he did it first.
Same can be said for Scott and the rest of the band for that matter.

your right, it is as it is and if you don't like it, just listen to something else....but i just said that imo their older songs sound better when you can hear even the lead guitar playing (or maybe what i think to be the lead guitar it's just scott that plays in that way,...i mean songs like NFL, Indians,ATL etc..). All their songs have great rhythm, and i just think that among those songs, the ones that have even that kind of ""melody"" (or whatever it is) stand out.
i'm listening to SOE right now, and i think that i was WRONG, all of those song have got rhythm and melody,and it's actually Scott's guitar that mark the sound of the songs, following both the melody of the vocals and the rhythm of the drum...thats cool :D
AlexStomp said:
Remember the episode of "Married with Children"?? That's when I realized this fully about Anthrax. I thought it was interesting that of all the songs they could have chosen to do on the show, they chose the one with Scott singing. Rather than one with Joey.

It didn't matter what song they picked in so far as the vocals go. They didn't have any vocals in the song when played on the show.

Originally Posted by thenotman
I let my friends listen to Volume 8. and he said that the rhythm guitarist has to go.

SOmebody smack this guy for being a fucktard.
That´s the style evolution you know. I´ve been listening to the last two albums A LOT lately. And I sometimes found that some of the songs do depend on two powerchords. Yeah, and what the fuck. They have used shitloads of more new, fresh ideas to develop their sound and it´s way better. Million-note thrash riffing doesn´t make a good song. It gets boring after a while. I think these days Anthrax is more about vocal lines, melodies and of course Charlie´s crazy drumming than about guitar riffs and that´s good. And btw, focus on Scott right hand more. His shredding is a fucking machine-like. Thanx god he´s not John oh so boring scales Petrucci.
Well I aint no guitarist but I will say this ... the guy rocks - always has, always will!

So he doesn't go all Vai or Malmsteen but thats not what Thrax is about! ... I mean the guy is part of the underlying rhythm and melody of the band and its not all shredding - in fact WCFYA is one of their most melodic albums to date.

I say this - if it sounds good then who gives a flying fuck whether his technical ability is the bomb.

Scott Ian has been ripping for over 20 years and I just love the guy!

Watch MMD dude and just see how much passion this guy has - and let me tell I would rather has passion any day over technical ability and be a wanking fuckface like Malmsteen and all these other posers!

*sigh* ... why am I even bothering with this reply. Scott and Anthrax rule - simple as that!