Searching for Alexi-600 LTD in exchange for ibby Xiphos XPT707


Feb 24, 2008
If anyone is interested in exchanging his LTD Alexi-600 for Ibanez Xiphos XPT707 with SD Nazgul and Sentient please let me know. I would probably regret such a decision... But currently I'm considering it, probably I'd ask someone for couple of $ in addition to the guitar. On the other hand exchanging LTD for this ibby is a good deal, so maybe anyone would like that?
LTD Alexi is good, but can you mutilate the stillborn with it?
LTD Alexi is probably not as good as my xiphos anyway, its just I always wanted this guitar and I thought it may get me back to practicing.
I don't think anything is as good as Xiphos :kickass: Or better at least.
There is always a chance I will change my mind :lol:
Kinda hope I will before someone will give me a decent offer :lol: . Plus I have quite nice pickups there and there is a chance I would get this EMG crap with Alexi LTD, so... But I don't claim it was a reasonable idea.
I am interested in this trade. Been wanting another 7 string since I got rid of my last one to get the RR24M. Plus it would go well with my 6 string Xiphos. Where do you live MadYarpen? I am in the USA...Florida.....hoping you are not overseas as I am sure shipping is expensive and it scares me to ship pointy guitars LOOONNGGG distances.