Seasons Greetings.


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
First off, It has been a great year for me personally.
A new website (, a new MOD record (Red, White & Screwed), a new band (Anthem), tons of production (Duke/Bexar county bastards) 4 new jobs for next year, Mixing front of house and promoting at Head Hunters in Austin Texas and finally back in the managing game, Bus Stop Stallion and Bexar County Bastards still hoping to add one final act to the roster to be mentioned once all the logistics are complete. But to be honest, with all these things in my life for work I feel that I am truly blessed with the Family and Friends that encompass my life. I still love cooking for the holidays but more importantly I love spending time with my dogs Buster and Emma Lee.
With out a doubt they are my greatest success. This is what my life is truly about. While I do music and work in the industry I love my family and friends. My dogs are the reason I try so hard to do as much as I do. I guess I am saying all this so people understand that this is what I focus all my energies on and this is what matters most to me.
Knowing that all that is left to say is, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone.
My year went well

I got married on 7/7/07 and it was the best thing I have ever done. I dont care how many fucking people tell me its gonna get shitty quick, I say it aint gonna happen.

I had some joker expelled from the college for plagiarizing a paper. The idiot pissed me off when he had his mommy write me a note saying that he couldn't read "All Quiet On the Western Front' because it contained unsuitable material ( (characters take a shit in an open field) , ( wife has conjugal visit to hospital). So when i caught this fucker plagiarizing I was very pleased.

I didn't meet any celebrities this year which is very unusual except for Mick Foley at McDonald's. They even make ManKind wait for Hashbrowns like the rest of us it seems.

I saw tons of movies this year No Country For Old Men. Juno I think top the list Superbad was my #1 Comedy

Nobody died in my immediate family so that was fucking good. My Dad will turn 70 in two months. I cant believe it. I remember when that dude was 35.

I always get the itch to form a band together every time I come to this board.
I wish i could call my old friend Joe Rockhead up and say " The Bands getting back together" just like in the Blues Brothers. All The Musicians I know are fucking too serious. I just wanna make a FUN band. It seems most people over 40 forgot what the fuck FUN is.

Thats what happened with me if any one cares.

Remember I'm just some Momo From Long Island.

Merry Christmas to You all
This has been a crap year for me. Stressful job stuff, parenting woes, financial burdons galore, unexpected losses of friends and family. I just hope this will be a better year. I look forward to spending the next week with my family...especially my wife and 4 wonderful boys.

Billy, I love you, old friend...Merry Christmas and the Happiest of New Years...I wish you all the happiness and success you can contain.

Best holiday wishes to all my friends here on the Milano board.

In the immortal words of Dickens and Tiny Tim...God bless us all, everyone.

Merry Christmas...yes, CHRISTmas.
This year was decent. Got some good grades, scored a great job, started dating a new girl and Im going to dump her on xmas even tomorrow right before she goes to work! Then, ill be on my way to TN for the rest of my break muhaha.

I didnt want to get her any presents
This year was decent. Got some good grades, scored a great job, started dating a new girl and Im going to dump her on xmas even tomorrow right before she goes to work! Then, ill be on my way to TN for the rest of my break muhaha.

I didnt want to get her any presents

your douchebaggery NEVER ceases to amaze me haha. that's some serious george costanza shit.
2007 was a very mixed year with many up and downs. And I still don't know how it will end. Anyways, this board and all the people on it gave me always some thought food, some good laughs and is always worth checking out!
I hope it will stay like that also in 2008.
So a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you!
I was medically separated from the Marines at the end of June due to injuries to my right foot & ankle. I got severance pay, and I'm getting disability money from the VA, so that turned out good.

We moved from Eastern NC, back up to Northern VA. We sold our house in NC in October, so I'm glad that worked out.

My new job isn't working out, so I'm in the process of looking for a new one while I'm still working this one.

The best concerts I went to this year were: M.O.D. in Fayetteville, NC and Van Halen in D.C.

For 2008, I plan on going back to college, losing a bunch of weight that I put on from foot & ankle surgery, and hopefully see the Bills make the playoffs in the 08'-09' season.

Hope everyone has a good holiday season.
My worst year since 1993 that my mother passed, but let's hope things get better for 2008

Merry Xmas to all, some of the coolest and open minded people here!!!! :kickass:
As far as I know, Season Greetings is a politically correct term used by those who think the word Christmas is offensive!
But what I wanted to say is...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too, Bill!

I got married this year and even though it's my third marriage, I jumped back into the fire...hahaha!

I'm still working on the new album and didn't accomplish much because of a week in the hospital and a couple of surgeries...

other than that, 2007 wasn't a bad year and 2008 looks to be a whole hell of a lot better!

I hope to see you at a show soon...
2007 - I looked at the bright white light - good thing it was only in the back of the ambulance on the way to the emergecy room.

I haven't really reflected back much on this year - 2007 could have been 4 calendar years long the amount of things i've tried to accomplish this year crammed into 12 months. I have learned alot, mostly about myself and what i can withstand mentally and physically.

I work 2 full time jobs now, plus im getting ready for college on line january 6th. Going for my AA in information technology with an emphasis on networking.
Merry Fucking Christmas to everybody on this board. I sincerely hope its a joyous time for you. Wife is buying me a Mesa Triple Rec for christmas--cant wait till morning to plug in.

2007 was good for me, my business is finally profitable, my Red Sox won the WS, and my health is good, MOD finally released another killer album. Looking forward to 2008
Merry Christmas to all you guys. Can't really comment on my 2007 as it just seems to blend in with the rest of 'em.
This has been a crap year for me. Stressful job stuff, parenting woes, financial burdons galore, unexpected losses of friends and family. I just hope this will be a better year. I look forward to spending the next week with my family...especially my wife and 4 wonderful boys.

Billy, I love you, old friend...Merry Christmas and the Happiest of New Years...I wish you all the happiness and success you can contain.

Best holiday wishes to all my friends here on the Milano board.

In the immortal words of Dickens and Tiny Tim...God bless us all, everyone.

Merry Christmas...yes, CHRISTmas.

good job.
it's been a really tough year for me, as well.
i'm still alive and kicking, though, so for that, i'm thankful.
Merry CHRISTmas to us all, indeed.
2007 wasn't so bad for me, i didn't spend christmas under the bombs, no one was shooting at me, didn't get into any accident, my boss's wife is about to give birth to a little boy in the next few hours and my kids were very happy with what santa brought even though it wasnt much because this year was financially difficult. But even with all the bad things that may have happen, many more good things came along the way, one of them being billy's record and finaly hearing new materials rock on for 2008 and merry christmas, happy kwanza, hanunka and all the other holiday cheers that fits your need to all!!! :kickass: