Seated Or Standing At Opeth Shows?

standing, as long as there are no kids who give a fuck about the show and just try to pick up a fight -

porcupine tree on the other hand was great but standing there with a lot of free space around you in the front row for 3h ... was some kind of boring....

so a good mix of standing there and be able to party when you feel you need to is perfect...

strangly the best show i atented was by bijelo dugme... every fucking one was so nice to you...i met peolpe in the middle of the gig, got to know new folks, you could drink your beer or dance like a maniac 5m from the band away etc.(was a big gig)

oh last gig i saw was R.A.T.M in berlin standing all the way... but the question is whats better:

with or without girlfriend?

at that gig i had to get her something to drink and later something to eat :(
was shit to wait while "gurilla radio" was playing....

PS: oh my god croatia failed big time today :(

With or without girlfriend is a hard question. Without, you can go crazy without her eyes in your neck and her feeling awkward. But with her, it's quite cozy and such. I saw Kamelot in Oslo with my girlfriend and friends, we sat at the gallery because of 18-age limit at the standing-area. It was great, although I didn't dare to headbang with her around :rofl: I'm a pussy, I know. But at Dream Theater, I stood at the front without my girlfriend and only with friends. WE WENT COMPLETELY MAD and it felt GREAT! (Okay, I might be preferring to stand at the front and having the ability to go crazy as I want)