Finally getting back to the thread... riffmachine covered a lot of it for you. I was born and raised here, and definitely love the weather as well. It's very mild and comfortable the majority of the time, but there are enough sporadic hot or cold days to keep it plenty interesting. Some winters the city actually doesn't get a lot of (or any) snow, but one winter we might just get a couple totally varies, although the large amounts of snow you want are less common than not.
The housing market does totally suck right now. The average price of a house in Seattle is around $450,000, I believe. Obviously it gets better the further from the city you get, but not amazingly better. I really wish that buying a house wasn't so expensive, or I would have bought one already! Just ten years ago I think the average price was only about half of what it is now... Check out, then click "Search For Properties", and you can get a good idea of pricing in different counties and whatnot.
As for the music scene, there are tons of freaking bands, a lot of which I've never heard of

. Most genres represented, as far as I know. I learned recently that there's actually a decent ska scene? I had no idea, haha. There aren't really many local bands I can think of that get a big local draw on their own...but there is no short supply of artists looking to record demos and whatnot. The heavy music scene, which I've had some experience with in the last few years, is kind of two different groups that don't really ever correlate- one made up of bands that are mostly 20 and younger, and one made up of bands that are like 30 and up. The older bands aren't so great and are mostly definitely not growing in notoriety or in musical excellence, and the younger bands aren't really my thing either. Especially in the younger scene, it sounds like everyone is just making poorly performed copies of their favorite bands of the day, and I can hardly stand it. I also want to reinforce my point that that the younger bands are definitely much more focused on the scene aspect than they are truly committed to serious music. Within the scene, everyone refers to it as "the community", and everyone raves about "supporting our friends", and playing house parties together, and on and on. Not that it's a bad thing, but it's just not something that I can or want to identify with! My band has played plenty of shows over the last few years within the scene, and it just gets really old and disheartening. There is actually a sort of idea through some of the bands in the area that my band and myself are a bunch of pricks because we don't like any of the local bands and we don't give compliments or whatnot when we play in the scene (that's the SUPER condensed version)...but it's just really hard, because if I don't have any positive honest compliments to give, I'm not going to make up some crap just to appease a band I don't like, you know? Anyway, I'm kind of ranting, and if the local scene discovered this thread I'm sure there would be a nice little flame war...haha!