Second new BFMV song

I love the poison era bullet but can't quite get into this. I'll check the new album out when it drops tho.

Edit: I thought this was the studio version of the one live video that's been floating around youtube. That was horrible. This song is pretty nice though.
im amazed bands this popular still get away with the 0 8 10 chord progresson
way to stay relevant, bullet.
I would like Bullet a lot better if they would decide what the hell they wanna be. Do you want to be a metal band or a gay emo band? I really hate the lead singer.
Production starts out great then gets very mushy when everything else comes in. People need to leave some headroom for dual guitars and crescendos.

Could be the youtube thing tho. Not even going to mention the music.
Some nice crispies at 3.33

lol at the breakdownz...I tried to not mention music. But still? Breakdownz? Still guys??
bullet just has 2 kind of songs:
kick ass metal and gay emo shit (20/80 though). as long as they dont mesh it up too much its no prob for me.
with the singer it's the same, he has great moments but most of the time its GTFO
that song is nothing special

Edit: "Fever" is one of the gayest albumtitles ever imo
Vocals start kinda weird, but tbh, I love the kind of vocal lines over heavy guitars they get to with the "take your eyes off the trigger" line and then in the chorus - would be kinda cool to hear it entirely clean. Lyrics are pure cheese but whatever. This guys clean vocals are way better than any standard core band, and the harmonies are pretty awesome.