Second thoughts...


Jun 3, 2002
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I must admit, perhaps I have seen JFK once or twice times too often (If one can watch that movie too often...) but I simply like the way the the displayed truth is shown, and the reactions of the people to it. Much like Mr. Garrison I wonder what matters most in life, and where to set priorities. He stated it in one simple sentence

Let justice be done, though the heavens fall.

Noone does even bother giving an ear tho, it seems, at least not to what he has to say. Just go on and stick the head into the sand. Leading a life within lies? That's a tough thing to ask of someone... sure, it wouldn't change the number on your pay-check in the end of the month, would it? It's just that we are living a puppet life according to things shown in thsi film, doesn't it? And the resemblence to Julius Caesar is well chosen, I think. What has REALLY changed throughout history? Names, places. But not the human mind. For me, there has to be some kind of evolution in our kind. Seeing it like that, we are advancing without moving forward by one step, we can wrap a lie in a lie in a lie (multiplied with infinity).

What is more important? Ideals? You can't fill your stomach on them, but they make a comfortable bed to rest on, or a solid foundation, in my opinion. Or is it most important to learn to play things safe, jsut don't question things that are "out of your league" or are too complicated and would take up your resources. Just lead a nice life, the sun shines, right? Well, perhaps it's best not to worry with all this, right? Just cause one cannot do anything about some things. In the end: All our problems seem to be home-made, or inherited from oru ancestors, possibly cause they didn't bother to concern with them? It's not just politics, also environment and almost any other area you can think of I guess.

Sorry for bothering, you don't have to read all this, and I assume most of it sounds just like senseless stuff, I reckon? Just the thoughts that occured to me... my second thoughts. Have you ever had second thoughts? About what then?
Originally posted by Ziuwarian
and I assume most of it sounds just like senseless stuff, I reckon?

not really, though I had to read through your post two times and I'm still not sure if I got exactly what you meant :rolleyes:
Maybe this is too heavy topic for me at this time of day.

What is more important? Ideals? You can't fill your stomach on them, but they make a comfortable bed to rest on, or a solid foundation, in my opinion. Or is it most important to learn to play things safe, jsut don't question things that are "out of your league" or are too complicated and would take up your resources. Just lead a nice life, the sun shines, right? Well, perhaps it's best not to worry with all this, right? Just cause one cannot do anything about some things.

As I said, I don't know if I got it...but this part reminded me of the discussion we had about caring for the environment some weeks ago. Some said they couldn't care less because their acting won't change a thing, others said they do care and even if it only was for their own belief in doing something "right".
Is that the direction you intended to aim at with you post? :confused:
*Gauny needs some sleep*
Think you might have understood me right, Gaunerin :)

It's not just politics, also environment and almost any other area you can think of I guess.

The environment is only one of the more obvious aspects of the problem, as it is difficult to hide effects there, but I was generalizing, thus I included environment.