Painting your future...

After 2 more years, I will work. Hopefully I'll have my own business
someday. And I wanna have more design/art education.
I will succeed! I can feel it.
Haven't got any ideas. The only thing I 'miss' is a girl. I have a steady income which leaves me with quite a bit of money for CD's and other excess crap, but I take things day by day, so I don't save anything for a rainy day. To me there are no such things, at times I feel like shit, but as long as I am live I will get through.

Future looks odd for me, I love my job, but in a way it's not something I wanna do for the rest of my live, I might end up teaching these things in the future, train new people for the job and so on.

All in all, all I 'miss' is a girlfriend, the reason I put that in ' ' is cos I don't really need one, would just be nice to have during the times I start feeling like shit.
@Ziuwarian: Of course I know of smth I want for my future! :)

One of them are working my way out of my depression..... Other than that..... Can't make my mind up on what I want to study. Either some history subject, or psychology+criminology (to become a criminal psycologist, and for instance work with investigations together with the police). Then, I could combine history and psycology as well, and do research..... I don't know; there are so many things that would have been interesting. Other than that, I want to live my life together with My Love.... :)
pharmacy. chemistry and the biomechanics of drugs are the only things that have truly captured my interest in any field.
My plans are I wish to finish my diploma in one year. I want a career I love...

I also miss having someone. I hope to someday find a guy I really truly love, eventually get married to him, and have a steady, happy life.

This is my ideal goal. What I want the most is happiness or at least contentment without these feelings of... emptiness. I somehow know with my being depressive and gloomy, even if I did have a mate and everything else, I'd be unhappy. That would eventually wreck everything...

I am getting better slowly. I am depressed less often and have realisesd I have something to live for. I will hold on to something even if it may truly be only nothing.
Holy shit. Does everybody on this board miss a person to be with?
If that's so, why don't all the single just get together and have a
party, so that you might find eachother :grin: ;)
(I guess I'm just lucky I don't have that problem... :dopey: )

Originally posted by Lordenlil
Holy shit. Does everybody on this board miss a person to be with?
If that's so, why don't all the single just get together and have a
party, so that you might find eachother :grin: ;)
(I guess I'm just lucky I don't have that problem... :dopey: )


I am married so I don't have that dilema. I never have planned my future out - for me it's always proven to be a pointless thing to do because my life has taken so many twists, it's been a real adventure so far. :) I just let things happen the way they will because things always turn out the way they're meant to in the end. ;) You can't fret over things - all things come in good time :)
Originally posted by Blackspirit
What is it that you work with Salamurhaaja? :o)

Technical phone support stuff ;)
It's for a big ass company who I can't really name, have a kind of a NDA and besides, I couldn't take all the stupid questions :grin:
I don't have any plans for the future.
Originally posted by Lordenlil

Yeah, she could learn the other all the naughty things in life.
Black metal necro nun. What a paradox :grin: ;)

Haha, that reminded me of Monthy Python and "The Search For the Holy Grail"!!! The naughty Sisters who had to be punished by the night. :lol: