Secret Sphere Bad?

Dolamite S. Biffle

Biffliest Person Ever
May 2, 2005
I just read another post about how bad Secret Sphere's performance was at PPIII. I personally enjoy them on cd, what was wrong with their performance?

I even noticed that Glenn said there was something wrong with thier performance.
Let me say this. Im personal friends with Aldo. We talk alot, and we've talked about a lot of stuff this past year.

I hope Aldo doesnt mind me saying this. Basically at the time of PPUSA they had very little experience playing live. The whole concept of touring and traveling and gigging was sorta new.

I saw them at PPUSA and then this year at PPUK and it was so different in terms of stage presence, sound, and the tightness of the band. The singer wardrobe attire is a bit odd but as a band they sounded great.

Ive heard a demo of a new Secret Sphere song and it was crushing!!!

Aldo also has a band with Mr Controversy himself Chity Somopala that absolutely kicks ass as well as a band with Nils from Pagans Mind. I'll be running both myspace pages and will post links to stuff as soon as its ready to go!!!
Let me start by saying it bothers me how certain people wrote them off solely based upon Ramon's attire/stage presence, etc.. Secret Sphere are one of the most talented bands out there. Each and every album is solid and diverse. The vocal melodies are superb and Ramon hits some crazy notes.

I thoroughly enjoyed their PP performance and thought they put on an incredible show. I could care less what Ramon is wearing or what he says between songs. Of course there is a language barrier, and sure, his attempt to get the crowd going failed. With that said, the music is phenomenal and they were excellent live. I can't thank Glenn enough for bringing these guys here from Italy. They definitely didn't dissapoint in my book. Just listen to 1000 Eyes Show!! There aren't many bands that get me pumped the way these guys do. :headbang:
It was purely a matter of image. They put on an excellent performance, and they ignored most of the material on their latest album at the time, which was a nostalgic hair metal album.

Secret Sphere suffered from a similar problem to the Devin Townsend debacle... people needed a performance to whine about, and so they picked the easiest one.
Let me start by saying it bothers me how certain people wrote them off solely based upon Ramon's attire/stage presence, etc.. Secret Sphere are one of the most talented bands out there. Each and every album is solid and diverse. The vocal melodies are superb and Ramon hits some crazy notes.

In restaurants, it's said that people "eat with their eyes first." Therefore, presentation of a dish is almost as important as the taste itself. To apply this to a band's attire, I think it's important to make a strong impression, especially with the PP crowd. When you've reached the pinnacle of the genre (such as playing elite shows like PP) then dress for the occasion. It's called professionalism people. If you don't look like you're taking things seriously up there on stage, then why should the crowd take you seriously? There are exceptions of course...Zero Hour comes to mind. They take a very casual approach with stage attire (which I thought looked really bad), but they certainly do deliver with the music and people don't really seem to mind.
As the person that posted today about Secret Sphere, let me elaborate. I personally don't care what people wear on stage, as long as they're dressed. It had nothing to do with their look, and everything to do with their performance, which to me seemed very disjointed and unorganized. At times, it seemed like they were not sure what they were supposed to be doing on stage, and the whole set just never clicked or connected with me in any way. As someone else said, they had not played a lot of lives show at that point, and I'm sure that might have had something to do with it. But you are on stage, and you are playing the biggest festival in the US, so you might want to come out and give it your A game. To me, they didn't.

Now of course, I find it fascinating again that someone is not allowed to comment on a band performance that doesn't click with them. I've given every band that has ever played this show a chance, and have only said "not good" three times. That's a goddamn amazing track record as far as I'm concerned. And it is certainly not needing a performance to "whine" about. Hell, if anything, bands that I expected nothing out of have ended up entertaining me often at these shows. This year it was Vision Divine and Thunderstone (until they got to the drum solo), as I almost went back to hotel to nap before Epica, and I'm glad I did not.

Anyway, that's my opinion. And nothing but...

Secret Sphere are great and were bad ass at PP IV. Just cos they look like they wanna rock to some Crue intead of get into deep discussions on metaphysics and the meaning of life doesnt mean that they should be written off prematurely.

I'm down to see them again.
you are certainly welcome to your opinion, I kind of understand how their performance was even though I wasnt there. Thanks for the responses.
I don't consider it a festival, since it tours around the country and not a 2-3 day event thing.

thats why its called a touring festival. What else would you call Ozzfest? Note dont answer with Crapfest or any term that makes fun of the festival.
I personally consider Ozzfest a package tour, rather than a festival. To me, a festival has to last more than one day, and only be in one location. Ozzfest doesn't do either of these things, though there's no denying the popularity of the show.

Perhaps I should have said "biggest festival in the US for this type of music" when talking about PP. Better?

In restaurants, it's said that people "eat with their eyes first." Therefore, presentation of a dish is almost as important as the taste itself. To apply this to a band's attire, I think it's important to make a strong impression, especially with the PP crowd. When you've reached the pinnacle of the genre (such as playing elite shows like PP) then dress for the occasion. It's called professionalism people. If you don't look like you're taking things seriously up there on stage, then why should the crowd take you seriously? There are exceptions of course...Zero Hour comes to mind. They take a very casual approach with stage attire (which I thought looked really bad), but they certainly do deliver with the music and people don't really seem to mind.

First off, this is not a restuarant, it is a musical performance. So now your indicating that they weren't professional because of their attire. That is who they are; i'm sure they don't need to apologize for their appearance or feel that the way they dressed took away from their musical talent. They were having a good time; that is what music is about. Freak Kitchen, according to you, must have been extremely unprofessional playing the guitar with a dildo. Who cares, just critique the quality of the music and the performance.
First off, this is not a restuarant, it is a musical performance. So now your indicating that they weren't professional because of their attire. That is who they are; i'm sure they don't need to apologize for their appearance or feel that the way they dressed took away from their musical talent. They were having a good time; that is what music is about. Freak Kitchen, according to you, must have been extremely unprofessional playing the guitar with a dildo. Who cares, just critique the quality of the music and the performance.
One thing I don't like about the band is that their lyrics are nonsensical. They seriously need a person who understands english to help them with their lyrics. I can't take them very seriously based on that alone.

I wasn't there, but looking at the setlist it looks like it was mostly made up of their 3rd album(the newest at the time), which is the weakest by far in their discography.

Not being an experienced touring band, they probably had little idea what their audience wanted to hear, so they just played mostly stuff from the new album.

Personally, I think they are a great band that deserves a second chance. From what I remember reading reviews of Sonata Arctica when they first started touring, they were horrible live. If they'd been at say, PPIII, and given one of their typical performances from that period, would Glenn be having them headline today?

I say Secret Sphere deserves another shot, especially if the next album is as good as Heart and Anger was.