Secret Sphere's "Heart & Anger"


Crazy on a ship of fools
Dec 11, 2002
Anyone know anything about this...?

Anyone have it...?

Anyone care...?

Rock on!
I know something about it.

I have it.

I care!

Seriously, great album. I'm in the minority though. I loved Scent of Human Desire. However, this sounds alot heavier and is a "return to form" for all those who hated "Scent". Old school fans will surely love this release.
YtseJammer said:
I know something about it.

I have it.

I care!

Seriously, great album. I'm in the minority though. I loved Scent of Human Desire. However, this sounds alot heavier and is a "return to form" for all those who hated "Scent". Old school fans will surely love this release.

I loved "Scent" too, though I'm looking forward to this heavier sound. Thanks for the info. I've been meaning to get this hadn't gotten around to it so I'll order it today. Do they use a female vocalist in any of the tracks?
I haven't picked it up yet, but I've been meaning too. I liked Scent as well - I guess cause it was my first album by them. Therefore I didn't have the problem with them radically changing their sound. I just liked the hard rock influences in Scent.

I'll have to order it soon.
Just curious what people thought...was kinda excited about a new album, but somehow the release date slipped under my radar.

I liked A Time Never Come and Scent...never was really wild about the Mistress album.

Anyway, you're feedback bodes well for the new album, I guess. It looks like Laser's Edge will get more of my $$$ now.

Rock on!
I haven't liked any of the Secret Sphere albums all that much. Even though I bought all three. And since the sound clips seem good, I'll be buying the fourth too. Hopefully I like it this time.
I haven't liked any of the Secret Sphere albums all that much. Even though I bought all three. And since the sound clips seem good, I'll be buying the fourth too. Hopefully I like it this time.


Sorry, but that cracks me right the hell up. :)
Cracks me up too. I have so many albums I don't like. I'm really liberal when it comes to plunking money down for stuff that only MIGHT be good.

Don't like Iron Saviour that much either, but I have their first three albums. And Condition Red sounds so inviting! I don't know if I'll be able to resist. Must... Not... Buy... More... Iron .... Savior... Albums!!!

I should probably bring all the albums I don't like to the pre-party get together and just hand them out.
adaher said:
Cracks me up too. I have so many albums I don't like. I'm really liberal when it comes to plunking money down for stuff that only MIGHT be good.

Don't like Iron Saviour that much either, but I have their first three albums. And Condition Red sounds so inviting! I don't know if I'll be able to resist. Must... Not... Buy... More... Iron .... Savior... Albums!!!

I should probably bring all the albums I don't like to the pre-party get together and just hand them out.

Spoken like a true collecter, my friend.

...And I don't mean to tempt you...but Battering Ram is also pretty cool...which means now you'll have to get it as well...

I'm the same way...there's a lot of bands I'm on the fence about (Iron Savior IS a perfect example). You like them...but you can also "take 'em or leave 'em".

Every once in a while, though, you just gotta pull one out and crank it loud...the rest of the time it's just taking up space in the collection...

Rock on!
I'll get Battering Ram only if Condition Red is good. I heard soundclips from both and I definitely prefer Condition Red.

Man, I got all these Skylark albums too. There's $50 I'll never get back. Hmmm, unless there's a sucker on ebay.:)
adaher said:
Man, I got all these Skylark albums too. There's $50 I'll never get back. Hmmm, unless there's a sucker on ebay.:)

There's always a sucker...

There's some guy sitting out there right now scouring the bowels of ebay, overstock,, and djangos looking for Skylark albums and whining...

You'll clean up...

Why the fuck did you buy those anyway...?

Rock on!
Because I'd heard that they were the forefathers of symphonic metal. I should have noted that the reviewer never actually said they were any good. Just that they were the first.

I've also got a couple of Domine albums I don't like, along with bad albums by Highlord, Timestorm, Storyteller, Athena, Arachnes, Artemis, and Mercury Rising. Oh man, is that last one bad.

Hmmm. Most of those bands are Italian. Trend?
I also have Helloween's Chameleon. Help me, before I buy more stuff that sucks!

I need someone to hold my hand when I go down to the vendors at ProgPower. Just slap me upside the head everytime I grab a crappy CD.
adaher said:
I also have Helloween's Chameleon. Help me, before I buy more stuff that sucks!

I need someone to hold my hand when I go down to the vendors at ProgPower. Just slap me upside the head everytime I grab a crappy CD.

First of all, I kind of like Chameleon, even if it's the obvious oddball in the Helloween discography...

Secondly...I'm not holding your hand or anything, but I will stand watch over you (with a beer) and tell you when I think your taste sucks...

I'm honest that way...all my friends will tell you.

Speaking of...I got ragged on endlessly by my wife and buddy for all my PC69 purchases last year...and look who's on the roster now...!

You poor bastard...that list does kinda suck...but it's OK...I actually have bands like King Kobra, Tokyo Blade, and Liege Lord in my collection...

Rock on!
Liege Lord is awesome!

And Iron Savior ruled, up until Dark Assault, when they got TOO repetitive. Now I pretty much ignore them, and only listen to the first three discs.
I like that they are returning more to the style of their 1st 2 releases on this new one. Although I liked their last one, it is my least favorite of their 4 albums. It wasn't produced correctly IMO, as if the label took away their unique sound.

But overall, there is something intriguing to me about their sound. It's like, yes they do melodic power metal with an amazing singer, with keyboards taking an active roll along with the guitars... nothing new... but it is the way they do it that I enjoy. Their music exudes a good level of class to me. I remember when the 2nd album A Time Never Come was released... my ladyfriend and I played it along with their 1st album Mistress Of The Shadowlight all weekend at our mountain getaway. The music has an aura about it, and that has returned full force on the new album. I know they weren't received well by everyone at PPIV (although there were several who were well into the band), but this new release puts them right on track again IMO. :Spin:

ashaman7122 said:
Anyone know anything about this...?

Anyone have it...?

Anyone care...?

Rock on!

...and you question MY ability to get laid? (in another thread)

LOL... I was trying to make Mattias of the Troll look like he wasn't doing his job well enough. I have no doubt that you probably get laid more than I do. :lol:
booB said:
...and you question MY ability to get laid? (in another thread)

LOL... I was trying to make Mattias of the Troll look like he wasn't doing his job well enough. I have no doubt that you probably get laid more than I do. :lol:

I know, I know...dude...I can take a joke...was just giving back...

But seriously...Liege Lord? What's wrong with you?

(or me for that matter...)

Rock on!