Secret Sphere's "Heart & Anger"

Exploding Ned said:
I like that they are returning more to the style of their 1st 2 releases on this new one. Although I liked their last one, it is my least favorite of their 4 albums. It wasn't produced correctly IMO, as if the label took away their unique sound.

But overall, there is something intriguing to me about their sound. It's like, yes they do melodic power metal with an amazing singer, with keyboards taking an active roll along with the guitars... nothing new... but it is the way they do it that I enjoy. Their music exudes a good level of class to me. I remember when the 2nd album A Time Never Come was released... my ladyfriend and I played it along with their 1st album Mistress Of The Shadowlight all weekend at our mountain getaway. The music has an aura about it, and that has returned full force on the new album. I know they weren't received well by everyone at PPIV (although there were several who were well into the band), but this new release puts them right on track again IMO. :Spin:

They almoast have a faster Conception sound on this
I love this CD
When MISTRESS OF THE SHADOWLIGHT came out, I really thought Secret Sphere was going to be the next big thing -- maybe even a second-tier Rhapsody or something. However I was disappointed with subsequent releases and I tried so hard to like SCENT OF HUMAN DESIRE but I guess IMO it's just pretty mediocre. That first album that they did though is just amazing. SHADOWLIGHT is one of those albums that if I start playing it, I have to listen to damn near the entire thing before I pop it out.

"I am King of the Sky in this magic day!"