See you in 5 weeks


Cutthroat Crusader
Sep 1, 2004
I've left blighty for the shores of Vietnam, totally on the otherside of the planet and devoid of gigs, metal and the power quest forums.

I'm currently stopping off while we change flight. I'm in Kuala Lumpa airport, and using an nternet thingy.

Don't know when I'll be able to write again, so wish me all the best of luck!!

See y'all in Five weeks time!

Note: Just seen on the TV that we got the Olympics!! Kick Ass! :headbang:
The journey was fine on the plane, if a bit long. We didn't leave Kuala Lumpa airport, and were loaded onto a plane with an umbilical chord, so we didn't breath normal "Oh my god
its so freaking hot" air until 24 hours later! I spent a whole day inside or in a plane! It's about 42oC and 8am here, so its 2am for all you; not expecting a swift reply :p

I'm in a hostle in Hanoi, and tommorow we leave for Babe (Bah-Bay) National Park for the Aclimatisation stage; it's gonna take 2 weeks to get used to the intense heat and humidity!

Cheers for your support guys, it was great to log on and see y'all wishing me well. I'll try and birng you back something.... Smokers, fags are 7000 dong for a pack of 200, which is about $4, or 1 pound 70 pence in GBP!! :Spin: :Spin: :Spin:

Yesterday we wandered aimlessly looking for food. We managed to feed all 11 of us in a Vietnamese restaurant (a chinky with tortoiseamongst other things!) Little did we know it was rainy season, and the heavens opened while we ate rice from a clay pot. :tickled:

Oh man, did MND ever help pass the rediculous 24 hour journey! Y'all let me know how that DVD turns out! I can't wait till the 18th! Dam, maybe I should import the UK versian!

All the best guys, Cheers again

Hammock #3,
Between the 2 sturdiest trees he could find,
Ba Be national Park