Segregation in Public Schools

Nov 30, 2005
As many of you may know, in April, the Nebraska state legislature passed legislation dividing the Omaha Public Schools system into 3 districts, each dominated by one of the three dominate ethnic groups of this metropolitan area (on white district, one black, and one Hispanic). This segregationist reorganization was spearheaded by the black politician, Sen. Ernie Chambers, and while, on its surface, would seem controversial, has been met with little opposition. The reason for this would probably be because of the geographical distribution of ethnic groups in the Omaha metro area, in which whites predominately inhabit west Omaha, Hispanics in the south, and blacks in the north.
The question then, was this simply a wise interpretation of the will of the people, who appear to be self-segregating, or is it a return to state sponsored segregation?

For further information on this subject, see:

EDIT: My apologies for the accidental double post.
It's the will of the people. Everyone prefers to mix with people they feel comfortable with, who are like them as far as possible. I'm surprised the state allows this segregation. Would they have accepted such a suggestion from a White person?

The opposite extreme was when the state introduced "bussing" of Black kids into White areas and vice versa, to encourage diversity. That was a failure in the US, but the government of Britain is considering starting just such a policy over here!
if a black guy could go to college
become a doctor/laweyer making enough money to "retire" with a "large nest egg"
have children
watch his children have granchildren
die at the age of 112
and never see a white person in his entire life
and only then
would segregation work
black people only make-up 12 percent of the population (cencus says 14, but this number includes all the mullattos that are labeled black on driver's licences/prison records)
so contrary to the american movies with no white people in them, any random black guy in america sees white people every single fucking time he leaves the fucking house
there's just not enough black people being in america for any kind of partial segragation to work without black people getting outraged
I don't know how intagration has been a failure. Its a fact that blacks, whites and everyone else lives side by side in America, and thats not gonna change any time soon. I don't see how its better to never hear what they have to say on any issues. How does ignorance make anything better?
crimsonfloyd said:
I don't know how intagration has been a failure. Its a fact that blacks, whites and everyone else lives side by side in America, and thats not gonna change any time soon. I don't see how its better to never hear what they have to say on any issues. How does ignorance make anything better?
integration doesn't work because the majority of blacks think that slavery happening somehow makes blacks alive 2day superior to the whites alive 2day
the "segragation" that was going on till the 60's didn't work because the black people were not comepletely isolated from the white people
see my previous post
Forced integration is what doesn't work. As Lord Red Dragon stated, the segregation of the 50's and 60's was a failure because of the isolation imposed upon black people. It is more important to the people the be able to choose for themselves whether or not to segregate (which they often do).
There's no way that the state is forcing segregation on people. In the present day, it is typically the state that forces races to be together against their will. The neocons in the Bush government are whole heartedly in favour of nonwhite immigration into America.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Forced integration is what doesn't work. As Lord Red Dragon stated, the segregation of the 50's and 60's was a failure because of the isolation imposed upon black people. It is more important to the people the be able to choose for themselves whether or not to segregate (which they often do).


At my school, there about 3,000 students. Our student center is really big (about 1 square acre), but it's really self-segregated. It just depends on who people are friends with or comfortable sitting with.

I don't think the majority of people are segregationists or big time racists. I think it just comes down to what you've done before and what you're used to. The majority of my friends are white, hispanic, or asian. I don't pick my friends depending on race, because that's just silly, but if somebody were to accuse me of being racists against people of African decent, I'd be quite annoyed. Just because you aren't around a different race of people often does not imply racism or segregationism.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Forced integration is what doesn't work. As Lord Red Dragon stated, the segregation of the 50's and 60's was a failure because of the isolation imposed upon black people. It is more important to the people the be able to choose for themselves whether or not to segregate (which they often do).
black/white racism is going to keep happening untill mullattos outnumber the full-blooded blacks which will actually happen (at approx the same time that hispanics outnumber non-hispanics according to an article published by "Aryan Brotherhood")
Families are a form of segregation. We must stop this immediately. There is more similarity between the average human and a baboon than there is between you and members of your family.

I repeat: family is a social construct. This message will be played again until you accept. Then you will be enlightened.
infoterror said:
Families are a form of segregation. We must stop this immediately. There is more similarity between the average human and a baboon than there is between you and members of your family.

I repeat: family is a social construct. This message will be played again until you accept. Then you will be enlightened.
thank you
my mother doesn't even realize how much of what i say she dismisses out of hand without realizing that she'd be extremely receptive to it if it were somebody other than me saying it
if a black guy could go to college
become a doctor/laweyer making enough money to "retire" with a "large nest egg"
have children
watch his children have granchildren
die at the age of 112
and never see a white person in his entire life
and only then
would segregation work

This would happen, with black autonomy. White people prefer to hire white people, and blacks prefer to hire blacks. Every race is geared to appreciate its own the most. Note this study:
won't happen

I think it's the only solution that's both moral and practical. I don't agree that it won't happen; in fact, I think it's gonna happen within 50 years.

Africa under self-rule would be chaotic for awhile but then would stabilize.
infoterror said:
I think it's the only solution that's both moral and practical. I don't agree that it won't happen; in fact, I think it's gonna happen within 50 years.

Africa under self-rule would be chaotic for awhile but then would stabilize.
in 50 years the hispanics will outnumber non-hispanics, blacks will be dependant on latinos
there will never be a large enough number of blacks in america for them to be able to be autonomous
infoterror said:
I think it's the only solution that's both moral and practical. I don't agree that it won't happen; in fact, I think it's gonna happen within 50 years.

Africa under self-rule would be chaotic for awhile but then would stabilize.
in 50 years the hispanics will outnumber non-hispanics, blacks will be dependant on latinos
there will never be a large enough number of blacks in america for them to be able to be autonomous
Actually, parents of our fine City, along with the NAACP, have sued the State of Nebraska for this idiot legislature. I'm glad our son isn't a part of OPS, we're lucky enough to have him in the same town, different school district.