Selling my ESP Alexi 600...

it's difficult to explain. I really like the guitar and have had it since a few days after they were released, but to be honest I want a new guitar thats a bit easier to run around with and fling about without worrying about damage. They're quite pricy so I can probably get a couple of mid-range ESP's through 50% endorsement with the money I'd get from selling the Alexi. Possibly a MH 250NT and an F-250blk, tho I'm not decided yet, but definately after a guitar that has no floyd rose.
are you mad? selling a such guitar will get you a free ticket to hell!! it's a SIN DUDE a goddamn SIN!!!

the devil will keep you in his lair and give your little boy body to borat for him to rape you! i cry your horrible pains.

BTW nice price there, i will tell my friends about it ;)
I always wanted one of these kind of guitars. Now HERES an affordable one (not to mention, its LTD), but I'm in the fucking states. XD

Good luck? It should sell pretty quick... IT BETTER.

:lol: wtf. The guitar was made especially made for the US consumer and you can get them there new for practicaly the same price.
:lol: wtf. The guitar was made especially made for the US consumer and you can get them there new for practicaly the same price.

I WISH the price part were true. Even after euro conversions, and shipping and handling... its still cheaper to grab this guy's guitar. These guitars usually still run for about $1k+ over here if I'm not shopping locally, and even then it might be a couple hundred less, but at a catch.

The cheapest I found was $849...
bought my edwards e-al-128 for 1500$ Canadian with shipping ( from japan ;) )
Still its an awesome guitar , only problem maybe the pickup , but still , the EMGHZ isnt that bad.