Selling Nightwish Tickets


Alex from Canada
Sep 3, 2003
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Visit site
I don't know if this is appropriate for the forum, but I figured there might be some interested folks on here. I'm selling two tickets to the Nightwish CD release party in Kitee, Finland, which were won but not usable because I can't afford to fly to Finland. Nightwish were at PP last year, so it sort of ties in :P

Item #2243079020, or you can search for "Nightwish Kitee" and it's the only match. Sorry if this doesn't fit into the forum rules or anything, Glenn. Just thought I'd give the loyal fans a heads-up before some random teenager buys them off EBay.
Megawozniak said:
Just thought I'd give the loyal fans a heads-up before some random teenager buys them off EBay.

All right now i will say i can't aford to fly their either, and i know their are not a lot of teenagers who are really into the music as much as me. but i am not 19 and not just some random teenager. the normal persona of a teenager is that but i am of the few. so please do not think that just because i am a teenager does not mean i am normal.

thank you