Sept 27th Minneapolis Show Dedicated to Cliff Burton


May 14, 2008
Mankato, MN
I was just at the show in Minneapolis tonight (technically last night) and Mike dedicated the show to Cliff Burton, who died on Sept. 27th 22 years ago.

P.S. The show was fuckin awesome! HoF kinda got boring, but once Opeth hit the stage, it was awesome! Nearly 2 hours of music and I got to meet all of them afterwards and get pics and autographs!!!!!!! :worship:notworthy:worship:
overrated, marcus miller owned that chump

well fine, he wasnt a bad player, but he cops too much praise these days, and just like dimebag its because of his death. he doesnt have shit on people like jaco, stanley clarke, marcus miller, gary willis, anthony jackson, and mendez
havent heard any of the names posted by vuashke except for mendez of course.

(interpret above standing message as you like)
overrated, marcus miller owned that chump

well fine, he wasnt a bad player, but he cops too much praise these days, and just like dimebag its because of his death. he doesnt have shit on people like jaco, stanley clarke, marcus miller, gary willis, anthony jackson, and mendez

You never saw Cliff play live in person probably. His stage presence combined with his bass playing were nothing but spectacular. He was a master of the bass, and his talent is sadly missed.

The bass players he listed are some of the best, period. I think he's trying to tell you that you need to learn more about other great musicians.
overrated, marcus miller owned that chump

well fine, he wasnt a bad player, but he cops too much praise these days, and just like dimebag its because of his death. he doesnt have shit on people like jaco, stanley clarke, marcus miller, gary willis, anthony jackson, and mendez

Why are you comparing them? All right Cliff may not have been the best bass player ever, but was the best bass player at a seminal time for a metal band who have done a lot for metal. Whether or not he's better or worse than such and such isn't what's being talked about here. So I suggest you change tact here, all right?
overrated, marcus miller owned that chump

well fine, he wasnt a bad player, but he cops too much praise these days, and just like dimebag its because of his death. he doesnt have shit on people like jaco, stanley clarke, marcus miller, gary willis, anthony jackson, and mendez

:devil: I smell Flame Bait... People can't dedicate anything anymore because everyone else is better than they were... what a shame.
overrated, marcus miller owned that chump

well fine, he wasnt a bad player, but he cops too much praise these days, and just like dimebag its because of his death. he doesnt have shit on people like jaco, stanley clarke, marcus miller, gary willis, anthony jackson, and mendez

You might be overrated. Ever thought of that?
overrated, marcus miller owned that chump

well fine, he wasnt a bad player, but he cops too much praise these days, and just like dimebag its because of his death. he doesnt have shit on people like jaco, stanley clarke, marcus miller, gary willis, anthony jackson, and mendez

you do realize that mike writes what mendez is to play while cliff was metallicas main writer during their golden years?
why is it that vuashke has to start shit with EVERYTHING posted on this forum. he is easily the biggest piece of crap here. ban him
lol another train wreck of a thread. The OP has absolutely nothing to do with "who is the best bass player" etc. Whether or not he is good is completely irrelevant. Mike at a concert dedicates the night to a guy who died, that's it whether or not he is great, underrated, overrated has nothing to so with the topic at hand. Once again this thread has become irrelevant to Opeth as well. I will agree that in death a regarded person in their field is often placed too highly after death. But once again that topic also has nothing to do with Opeth. At least try and shit stir on a topic that has relevance to the forums subject matter.
Considering what Metallica meant for metal in those days and how Cliff Burton was probably the main contributor to that, it makes a lot of sense to still honour him.
Furthermore, he was a fellow musician who died at a tragically young age. Just because there are bassplayers with better skills we shouldn't remember him? Or he shouldn't be honoured by fellow musicians with a similar lifestyle who can relate to what happened, or have similar goals? ...
And if we are talking about skills, what does it even matter? None of the members of the Beatles were particularly highly skilled on their instruments, yet they still achieved huge things and are honoured and respected for that ...
But again, it's not about his skills, it's about what happened! Show some respect ...
Honestly, once again stupid and false reasoning of the biggest idiot on the forum ...
overrated, marcus miller owned that chump

well fine, he wasnt a bad player, but he cops too much praise these days, and just like dimebag its because of his death. he doesnt have shit on people like jaco, stanley clarke, marcus miller, gary willis, anthony jackson, and mendez

What an incredibly unintelligent and irrelevant post. How could you possibly compare Mendez and Cliff Burton, I cant even take this post seriously that you threw Gary Willis in there? Thats like saying Mendez sucks compared to John Entwistle. Stop comparing musicians who obviously play very different styles of music. Stop comparing musicians altogether. What you are is a fucking cliche. You and the rest of the morons like you on youtube and every other music related forum who say every other day that *band A is selling out because of this this and this* or that (insert musican who died tragically and contributed to a huge band and world wide known to a bassist that most people in the world have no idea about) You guys should start a fucking club and a new website where you can all go and talk about such stupid things because its a god damn shame that forums are plagued with stupidity such as this.
He's a strange person. He believes he knows everything better and can't refuse from sharing his valued opinion. Because if he DID refuse, he wouldn't have anything to say anymore and no attention. So this won't ever stop.

On topic: cool from Mike to do this...RIP Cliff!
I'm gonna just leave the current topic alone, as several other people have already stated things well enough, except that no one (myself included) remembered to mention that Cliff also died IN SWEDEN, so I'd imagine that it was particularly poignant there, as it was here in the US. On a lighter note, Mike stated how Cliff has influenced him through such things as wearing bell-bottom jeans and the like, but that he couldn't grow the Cliff Burton sideburns. Some guy in the audience then yelled to "get some pubes." So naturally Mike said he did have pubes, and showed us all. He then stated "I don't shave, because I'm a man." :lol:

Tedium what was the setlist??
I believe it was:
Heir Apparent
Grand Conjuration
Hope Leaves
Lotus Eater
Serenity Painted Death
Demon of the Fall

Drapery Falls

Additionally, before Drapery Falls, they did a kinda solo battle thing, where Mike just did a single chord in a kinda funk style with the wah pedal, Fredrik shredded for about 30 seconds, Mendez played a kickass bass solo, Axe played about 8-10 blastbeats in about a second, and Per just did like a quick little glissando on the keyboard. Mike then asked who was the best and when most people said Mendez, he said "Well, fuck you."
fuck metallica, fuck cliff, he has done nothing compared to someone like marcus miller (who is not only a legendary bassist, but also a very good reed player as well) and i dont care if you are a fanboy metalhead, cliff burton was so overrated it wasnt funny, the same as metallica. instead of dedicating a show to a half as good bass player thats died, why not dedicate a show to a better bass player? hes alive so im sure he will appreciate it more than cliff burton's corpse will.

i can, and will, compare fusion legends like gary willis to overrated trash like cliff burton. why? for one, gary willis' solos dont sound like complete trash, and two, gary willis has groove and rhythm, he has melody, he has technique, and he played in a band that combines 3 or 4 different styles into one.

metallica has never written anything and never will write anything that is good enough to stand up to any of the above mentioned bassists. there are even bassists in metal that are much more talented than cliff was. all this talk of metallica dying in 1986 is total bullshit. so what, he wrote most of the stuff? thats not a big achievement. metallica are infamous for boring thrash crap, power chords, completely horrible solos and too many riffs.

jackee if you like bass at all i suggest checking out any of them, and then compare them to the almighty cliff burton. god, what a fucking joke
Hey man, I happen to like Metallica and Cliff Burton. I don't know what the hell is your problem? You can dedicate your songs or whatever to Marcus Miller once you play a show, I don't have a problem with that dude. But stop being a psycho idiot, you come across as a complete moron, and yes, you will be banned.
