Sept 27th Minneapolis Show Dedicated to Cliff Burton

maybe you should follow through and stop answering me, spineless twit. or maybe perhaps you like confrontation? yeah this is a metal forum, and guess which sub forum we are in? thats right, non-opeth music chat. which probably includes, because it is music after all, jazz and jazz fusion artists. so ill exercise my right to speak about them and you can kindly exercise your right to shut the fuck up.

what exactly did cliff burton do for metal, apart from gather a horde of fanboys? also, skills does not just refer to technical ability, or playing proficiency. i would have thought that you would have noticed that was just a typo, trash = thrash without the r of course.

i didnt claim that metal musicians are mediocre compared to jazz or fusion, i just think that the way bass is played, and the individual bassists that exist, infusion genres, is better than the way it is in metal. can you honestly tell me otherwise, they way bass is downplayed, never given solo space, mostly following the guitars, turned down in the mix...always fucked with. thats one of the reasons i like, and express my like for, fusion recordings.

as for why im here...this is not a metal forum, this is opeth's official forum. and opeth, you might be aware, are not all metal. also, there is a subforum that suggests discussion for ALL types of music, be that metal or aborigine didgeridoo music, as long as its not opeth. sure, i can go elsewhere and i can discuss metal, but opeth is one of my favourite metal bands so why? i could also go to a jazz forum and discuss jazz music, and perhaps i will, but finding a decent jazz forum is no easy feat. if you've browsed jazz forums youd know that many jazz musicians and jazz afficionados are complete fucking wankers and any mention of non-jazz is inferior and not worth their time. perhaps you know this already.

this forum, on the other hand, isnt a jazz forum and doesnt contain that some shit that boils my blood. hell, even the 'troll' or asshole posters on this forum arent even bad, i havent seen philno abuse me in a while and its gotten a little sad. thats why im here, because of diversity, and an acceptance of diversity, and because ill take 'metal' assholes over 'jazz' assholes anyday of the week. if you think i dont like metal bands then sadly you are mistaken.
Hmmm. I hate to do this but here goes. My dad is a jazz guitar player, when I was a toddler in order to get me to eat he used to play Sonny Rollins or Coltrane. I grew up, listened to gay shit like MJ. It was AC/DC's performance at a Grammy Award's show that turned me to metal/rock. I wanted to be Angus. Period. That doesn't mean i've stopped listening to jazz. it's deep-rooted. This is a non-opeth chat board and Opeth being 'metal' the junta here is mostly metal.

What Cliff Burton did for metal was he said it's ok for bass players to fuck around and be heard, what John Entwistle and JPJ did back in the day.
And that's a great boost for metal because we wouldn't have a SDG, a Lepond, Mendez, Webster etc etc etc. Cliff showed many aspiring bass players a way to marry their influences into metal. That was a leap for many. Cliff's contribution to Metallica is.....well, huge. cannot be summed up in words.

Lastly, to some people (read: me) Cliff is more than the dead 'tallica bassist. He is a legend. He lives on.
maybe you should follow through and stop answering me, spineless twit. or maybe perhaps you like confrontation? yeah this is a metal forum, and guess which sub forum we are in? thats right, non-opeth music chat. which probably includes, because it is music after all, jazz and jazz fusion artists. so ill exercise my right to speak about them and you can kindly exercise your right to shut the fuck up.

what exactly did cliff burton do for metal, apart from gather a horde of fanboys? also, skills does not just refer to technical ability, or playing proficiency. i would have thought that you would have noticed that was just a typo, trash = thrash without the r of course.

i didnt claim that metal musicians are mediocre compared to jazz or fusion, i just think that the way bass is played, and the individual bassists that exist, infusion genres, is better than the way it is in metal. can you honestly tell me otherwise, they way bass is downplayed, never given solo space, mostly following the guitars, turned down in the mix...always fucked with. thats one of the reasons i like, and express my like for, fusion recordings.

as for why im here...this is not a metal forum, this is opeth's official forum. and opeth, you might be aware, are not all metal. also, there is a subforum that suggests discussion for ALL types of music, be that metal or aborigine didgeridoo music, as long as its not opeth. sure, i can go elsewhere and i can discuss metal, but opeth is one of my favourite metal bands so why? i could also go to a jazz forum and discuss jazz music, and perhaps i will, but finding a decent jazz forum is no easy feat. if you've browsed jazz forums youd know that many jazz musicians and jazz afficionados are complete fucking wankers and any mention of non-jazz is inferior and not worth their time. perhaps you know this already.

this forum, on the other hand, isnt a jazz forum and doesnt contain that some shit that boils my blood. hell, even the 'troll' or asshole posters on this forum arent even bad, i havent seen philno abuse me in a while and its gotten a little sad. thats why im here, because of diversity, and an acceptance of diversity, and because ill take 'metal' assholes over 'jazz' assholes anyday of the week. if you think i dont like metal bands then sadly you are mistaken.

1. we are in the opeth forum, not the non-opeth music chat ...

2. you are bringing exactly that kind of mentality into this forum ... that is why you are being treated like this.

3. all of this completely irrelevant in THIS thread which was about showing some respect to a tragedy in METAL music.

4. I hope for more bass in metal as well, yet I don't go insulting bands and musicians over it ... btw, there are a good deal of decent metal bands in which the main writer is also the bass player, which often results in different kinds of song writing and riffing.

5. there are so many more things that are underrepresented or not at all in metal that offer opportunities to broaden the music, yet you focus here only on the bass ... metal has evolved in a certain way and became to contain certain elements, bass solos not being a big part of it. doesn't mean it will never happen, but you are in no position to tell a band what they SHOULD do ... start your own band and do it, who knows, you might start something huge in metal and gain as much respect as Cliff Burton has ...
I'll make sure not to honour you then, but someone from a completely different genre who has much better skills in a completely different style of playing.

edit: and 6. insulting me using childish comments isn't exactly giving you any credibility for your intelligence you know ... perhaps you can state again how your country is oh so superior, just because it such a good argument.
cliff burton must have failed in his quest, because in the vast majority of metal bands, good metal bands, the bass is still so under-emphasised it brings tears to my very eyes. for years before metallica it was fine and accepted for bass players to 'fuck around and be heard', why do you think that cliff burton started all of it?
1. we are in the opeth forum, not the non-opeth music chat ...

2. you are bringing exactly that kind of mentality into this forum ... that is why you are being treated like this.

3. all of this completely irrelevant in THIS thread which was about showing some respect to a tragedy in METAL music.

4. I hope for more bass in metal as well, yet I don't go insulting bands and musicians over it ... btw, there are a good deal of decent metal bands in which the main writer is also the bass player, which often results in different kinds of song writing and riffing.

5. there are so many more things that are underrepresented or not at all in metal that offer opportunities to broaden the music, yet you focus here only on the bass ... metal has evolved in a certain way and became to contain certain elements, bass solos not being a big part of it. doesn't mean it will never happen, but you are in no position to tell a band what they SHOULD do ... start your own band and do it, who knows, you might start something huge in metal and gain as much respect as Cliff Burton has ...
I'll make sure not to honour you then, but someone from a completely different genre who has much better skills in a completely different style of playing.

i dont care if you dont honour me

why does metal evolution now mean that bass should not be a part of it? bands just simply neglect bass, thats the sad and sorry truth

yeah this is the opeth part, but most of the time when i discuss jazz or anything non metal its in the non opeth part. and this is partially related to opeth

what mentality have i brought into this forum? questioning people and things? having my own opinion? not taking everything at face value?

oh dont worry, cliff burton doesnt mind being insulted, what right do you have if he doesnt care? having the main song writer as the bassist and yet still the bass does not get their 5 minutes of glory time too? thats sad, but whether or not they are the song writers is irrelevant, because the fact is bass is underrepresented, and as metal moves away from rock and blues this trend gets worse and worse. if it gets any worse than it is now, i might have to abandon future metal altogether.

yeah i can tell a band what i want to hear in their music, btw i just did, whether or not they listen or take my advice is a different story
maybe metal lacks black people in general? why does it matter what race people are, i didnt know one race was inherently superior to another
you can mention your preferences and bring arguments ... we all do ... but you are insulting bands and people, telling them how stupid it is not to do what YOU want. you insult other people on this forum who bring argumentation, instead of replying you rehash same stuff over and over again with insulting language.
and i already said i agree with lack of bass in many metalbands, you just proved again you don't actually read what is being said by people. and you still have not replied to ANY of my counter arguments!
just go ahead, mention "Marcus Miller is better than Cliff Burton" again ... people haven't heard it yet, and add "your country sucks at everything" to it ... just to make your argument count double.

ok, was last post ..... has become ridiculous thread thanks to you pffff

thanks to the threadstarter for mentioning this though.
the thread has evolved behind the original post hedon. i was just sick of all the attention that cliff burton gets

Cliff died in Sweden, not far from where I grew up, on the way south from a gig in Stockholm. All major swedish newspapers ran the story on the front page (our local paper called Metallica "a pop orchestra") and since Metallica was my fave band at that time, I was quite devastated.

I think that most swedish metal fans from my/Mikaels generation has a very vivid memory of the accident and he more or less became a legend on his own, not only because he played the bass in Metallica, but also because he died HERE.

Not in Paris, not in LA, not in New York but in bloody Dörarp outside Ljungby.

So it didn't surprise me a bit that Mikael dedicated the show to Cliff, after all he's "our dead bass player"...
maybe metal lacks black people in general? why does it matter what race people are, i didnt know one race was inherently superior to another

djeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzz ... when did i say anything that any race was superior????? ... i was quoting a southpark episode, thought it was funny in this context.

metal lacks MANY things, that's why so many bands get thrashed by many people for being so cliche and uncreative.

last post :p ...
so you think its funny? for black people, and bassists to be belittled in such a context?

nah, im just fucking with you this time, thats when they were doing that faith plus one band, pretty good episode
Maybe Vuashke should be moved to some elitist's jazz forum and face the fact that "metal" is not for him.
Sure you don't have to like everything Metallica has ever done but you can't deny that a lot of the acoustic stuff in Opeth draws inspiration from them.
Btw. Cliff had a lot of melody and feel to his bass lines but I guess if it's not technical wankerness, then it's bull shit...
Vuashke stop listening to music and playing whatever you play, cause there will always be a Marcus Miller (or X person) that will be better than you and far more revolutionary than a guy who sits in his home to arguing with people in an internet forum and seems to point at everyone but don't even want to look at himself. Must sucks to be you.