Absolutely not.
And that cover looks like a snatch.
Absolutely not.
And that cover looks like a snatch.
This from a guy how has a guy giving a pretend head job in his sigline...
BTW--They played the new Guns 'N Roses song on the radio here, didn't have a title though. Horrible IMO, very digital sounding music, kinda like Rob Zombie's music. Definitely not straight-up rock 'n roll like GNR is known for. Shame.
Absolutely not.
And that cover looks like a snatch.
ok so i ran into a "metal fan" and we started talking...the new metallica cd came up and i asked if he was going to get it....he said no....so when i asked why..he saud because they sold out...
i was thinking to myself...WHAT A FUCKEN POSER!!!!
i honestly fucken hate people like these...just because trhe band did something new or try to get new fans does not mean they sold out...honestly i liked St. Anger...it was ok...but fuck man...the metal and punk fans are full of fucken posers...they stop listening to a band just because they sold out...Stupid excuse...
ok...so i told him...a band is not metal enough until it changes things up and still continuing on what they do
so...what i have to ask you is....Why not?
Pretty simple, really...I think they suck. Always have and always will. Guess that makes me a poser, huh?On the bright side, I'm not in junior high and could give a fuck less about such things.