Sequels as good or better.........

Terminator 2: Judgement Day which is simply awesome and one of the best movies period. T3 was also really great and a fourth would be nice.
people who say aliens and t2 is better than originals like hollywood action movies more than good thriller plots.
Pusher good as the first film, outstanding really.
Batman Returns...better than the first, and all the rest!
Ginger Snaps II was pretty good, maybe not as good as the first.
28 Weeks Later is enjoyable but not as good as 28 Days Later.
The Devil's Rejects, overall a better, more well-done film than House of 1000 Corpses but I think I like both equally.
Yeah, same for me, it's been a few years since I've watched any of them. I even thought the third film was worth watching, whenever that came out on DVD, that's the last time I watched any of the Ginger Snaps films.
Bill Paxton fucking made that film.

"Maybe you haven't been keepin' up on current events but we just got our asses kicked pal!"

I definitely agree. In fact, I would go so far as to say that Die Hard: With a Vengeance might even be better than the first. I think it's more interesting and exciting.
:lol: Hudson rules! :kickass:
Die Hard: 1>4>3>2

"What is it Hudson?"
"How do we get out of this chicken shit outfit?"

I love it. He has the best lines in the film
:lol: Goddamn he rules in that movie!

people who say aliens and t2 is better than originals like hollywood action movies more than good thriller plots.

I would say that good thrillers are better than good action movies on the whole, but T2 is one of the top 3, if not the best action movie ever made. Maybe only Die Hard is better.
Well Predator is my favorite movie. but yes, T2 and Die Hard are easily the best action movies of all time.