Seraphiel - Heretic (Modern power metal from Finland)

Pekka Posio

Dec 28, 2010
Helsinki, Finland

I created a thread a few months ago asking some opinions on the mix here, here is the final product (music vdeo included!) for anyone intrested:

I've also included high quality download links in the description.
Gear used and some recording stuff:

Mainly Steven Slate VMS, some minor things with an Sm7 directly to RME Fireface 800.

Mesa Boogie Mark V straight into Torpedo Live. The tone was pretty scooped with Mark V's post EQ. We did the tracking in the old school way, I recorded the left side guitars and our another guitarist the right side. Only 2 rhythm tracks and 2 lead tracks. We tried to record as long takes as we could, we wanted to leave it a bit that "not so modern" and raw sound though we try to do modern stuff.

Straight to Fireface 800 instrument input, fresh strings and bit bass boost from the bass active EQ.

Recorded in the big room @ Sonic Pump studios Finland, too long listing to make now for the equipment x) Kick is 100% trigger, snare is like 60% trigger. We had really good sounding snare, but it was tuned too high for being usable alone, it sounded killer when recording but not in the mix. Nothing is edited to grid, only some minor fixes here and there.

Mastering was done by Mika Jussila @ Finnvox, he was really nice guy to meet. I asked him the day before if he could master that song and then he did it in the next day. It was really worth it, it balanced well some harsh stuff in the mix. Everything is mixed in the box, though I used some hardware compressors and EQs when tracking drums.


If you have anything to ask or any feedback, I'd be happy to hear :)
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Sounds good!!

What snare sample did you used? Did you tune it to the same note as the original snare? I heard that Jens Bogren is tunning his samples to the same note, but that doesn't make a sense if you don't like the pitch of the real snare.

It would be FUCKING cool if you can post unmastered and mastered version. I know Mikka Jussila is using a lot of fancy hardware during mastering. I would love to try mastered it for myself and then compare it to the professional mastering by Mikka.
Sounds good!!

What snare sample did you used? Did you tune it to the same note as the original snare? I heard that Jens Bogren is tunning his samples to the same note, but that doesn't make a sense if you don't like the pitch of the real snare.

It would be FUCKING cool if you can post unmastered and mastered version. I know Mikka Jussila is using a lot of fancy hardware during mastering. I would love to try mastered it for myself and then compare it to the professional mastering by Mikka.

The sample wasn't tuned to the same pitch as the original one, original snare's lowend was somewhere around 250hz and it sounded ridiculous when I tried to boost there and below :D We used an original sample from Trigger 2 platinum (don't remember which one, it wasn't a popular one though, at least I haven't seen people here praising that sample lol), we tuned it a bit until it sounded good with the rest of the kit. We also used room samples of that snare and another snare from Trigger. I kinda feel that the room samples are more audible than the actual hit, but we liked the tone like that.

If I remember I can check tomorrow at the studio which sample it was. We were tonight dumbchecking drums for the rest of the songs we are about to release in the next months.

Here is the link for the final mix: FINAL MIX.wav
And the 24bit 44khz master:
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The sample wasn't tuned to the same pitch as the original one, original snare's lowend was somewhere around 250hz and it sounded ridiculous when I tried to boost there and below :D We used an original sample from Trigger 2 platinum (don't remember which one, it wasn't a popular one though, at least I haven't seen people here praising that sample lol), we tuned it a bit until it sounded good with the rest of the kit. We also used room samples of that snare and another snare from Trigger. I kinda feel that the room samples are more audible than the actual hit, but we liked the tone like that.

If I remember I can check tomorrow at the studio which sample it was. We were tonight dumbchecking drums for the rest of the songs we are about to release in the next months.

Here is the link for the final mix: FINAL MIX.wav
And the 24bit 44khz master:
Do you mind sharing multitrack?