session/over the net vocalist wanted QUICK for Opeth cover song


The Dark Wanderer
Myself and another UMer, Shard, are doing a complete cover song of Opeth's "The Drapery Falls" for his cd release. We need a vocalist to do the clean vocals on the song. We have basically everything recorded (well, when I do the guitar 2 at least) and we have a working mp3 ready for anyone up to it. All we ask is that the vocals be done and mixed down to an mp3 so we can add them into the song. Anyone with headphones, a mic, a good singing voice, and something they can record with, we'll take you. Tim (Shard) and I both use Cool Edit pro v.2 for our recordings and all we need is the vocal track to finish everything up.

Anyone who can help us out, please reply here. Please respond soon as possible.
My site:
Tim's site:

Hey, I'll give it a try if you want, I have a digital four track hear, so I can take your song file, make it one track, and doing all the vox and harmonies, then send you the vocals back one track at a time so you can mix them. What do you say?
hmm... thanks big time for your offer, but I believe (I've spoken with Shard on this) we have 3 vocalists all sending us tracks already because we posted this same thread in the official Opeth forum also. Thanks big time for offering to do it, but we have enough trying out at this time. Check the Opeth forums, though, as I will be posting the final mp3 of the cover once it's all done. :)