Set list for the December head-lining tour...

Hate Me!
Children of Decadence
Living Dead Beat
Are You Dead Yet
Mask of Sanity
Children of Bodom
Dead Night Warrior
Angels Don't Kill
Needled 24/7
Kissing the Shadows
In Your Face
Bodom Beach Terror
Children of Bodom

It was soooo sick. My left ear is still ringing so bad. I was on the fuckin gate in front of Jaska and Hennka. They all rocked. I could not believe that they busted out Children of Decadence, I bugged out. Too bad they stopped the song b4 the awesome part at the end, no solos :( I also bugged out when he said they were playing another song they had never played in the US ever before, and they busted out Mask of Sanity, soooo fucking rock. But they didn't play the breakdown or the solo either! At the breakdown they went into Deadnight Warrior (which FUCKING ROCKED), and then went back into Mask of Sanity at the key change part at the end (so we got 2/3 of the song, minus the best 1/3). Whatever though, at least they are trying to change it up for the fans, I totally appreciate that (but solos are cool too... :rolleyes: Anyways, Living Deadbeat and Are You Dead Yet? rocked, as did Chokehold and Sixpounder. My favorite 2 were We're Not Gonna Fall :rock: (damn they rock that song), and Kissing the Fucking Shadow, OMG :Smokin:

Can't wait for NYC!!
No ear plugs??? Ringing in the ear shouldn't be taken lightly... it may never go away.

Don't mean to be a ruiner, but it seems a lot of people don't protect their hearing well enough or don't realise the short and long term risks. 15 minutes at a concert can do permanent damage unfortunately.
No ear plugs??? Ringing in the ear shouldn't be taken lightly... it may never go away.

Don't mean to be a ruiner, but it seems a lot of people don't protect their hearing well enough or don't realise the short and long term risks. 15 minutes at a concert can do permanent damage unfortunately.

AMG PUSSY... lol... I've been to NUMEROUS concerts, always up against the barrier, and I can hear just fine. And if you''re saying that 15 mins without earplugs at a concert will make me deaf when I'm 30, then :lol: you suck. What's the point of going to a concert if you're gonna wear earplugs???

After a concert my hearing is fine.. if you want bad ringing in your ears, I'll tell you, I've had a cherry bomb (home-made) go off in my face/my friend's hand, that took a day or two for the ringing to subside.
He doesn't wear them? Damn, i thought they would for sure... don't see many bands without em. He must have f'n bad tinnitus.

Suppose it's their choice, as is yours. Also depends how sensitive your ears are - I was just saying, but i expected to be flamed hah.
Holy fucking shit? They played Deadnight Warrior, Children of Decadence and Kissing the Shadows??? They should of played this setlist for CRY!!
Oh yeah, I missing that off the list!! AMG!!!

If they come to the UK and don't play those songs, I will kick Alexi in the face.
No ear plugs??? Ringing in the ear shouldn't be taken lightly... it may never go away.

Don't mean to be a ruiner, but it seems a lot of people don't protect their hearing well enough or don't realise the short and long term risks. 15 minutes at a concert can do permanent damage unfortunately.

yeah i was thinking about earplugs the other day. i'm definintely getting some for this upcoming show. cuz as a musician, i can't afford to fuck up my hearing. that'd be horrible.
they should hand them out at shows,Troc had them on sale for 5 dollars,although noone could find where they were being sold because all the stuff for sale is always in a back corner
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Just got back from the show in Philly at the Troc.

They played:

Hate Me
Children of Decadence/Chokehold
Living Dead Beat
Are You Dead Yet
Mask of Sanity/Dead Night Warrior
Angels Don't Kill
Needled 24/7
In Your Face
Bodom Beach Terror
Children of Bodom

They didn't play Silent Night, Every Time I Die, and Hate Crew which I thought was surprising, but I still got Alexi's pick. :rock:

I met Nikkie and Fuzzay Crisis there too.... and some other cool people. :)

you bastard i was hopeing to get something when he threw one of the 800 picks some dumb ass didnt even see it then it hit them in the head and they still didnt know i was looking for it after that but found nothing, and i wish i waited after to try to meet them but i had to catch a train i had no time and alexi seemed to really like that santa hat i guess
I always bring ear plugs to concerts.. usually moreso for the opening bands. No need to waste my hearing on bands I didnt want to hear in the first place.

Heading up to Milwaukee on saturday... stupid snow storms better be over by then!! Oh well guess thats what the 4x4 truck is for
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Just got back from the show in Philly at the Troc.

They played:

Hate Me
Children of Decadence/Chokehold
Living Dead Beat
Are You Dead Yet
Mask of Sanity/Dead Night Warrior
Angels Don't Kill
Needled 24/7
In Your Face
Bodom Beach Terror
Children of Bodom

They didn't play Silent Night, Every Time I Die, and Hate Crew which I thought was surprising, but I still got Alexi's pick. :rock:

I met Nikkie and Fuzzay Crisis there too.... and some other cool people. :)

oh shit! i'm seeing them in 3 more hours!!! thats a great setlist. wait, why are they playing children of bodo twice (not that its a bad song)
They didn't play it twice... they played Children of Decadence and Children of Bodom.

And yes, Heartless Name, Children of Decadence/Chokehold and Mask of Sanity/Dead Night Warrior were medleys.

15 days!!

and btw, earplugs are kind of hard to have cause they fall out when headbanging