Seven strings KICK ASS! <mp3 inside>

Oh man, that's cool... Have you got any idea how to get those if you're in europe? I'd hate having it to order from god-knows-where, while it would be relatively easy for me to go to Italy or something, so if they have any distributors there, that would be kinda cool. I'm from slovenia, you know.

Anyway I'm not going for it just yet, haven't got enough money right now - I've ordered the Soundcraft Compact4 mixer you guys recommended, and the Studio Projects B1. And then after that I'll have to get some stompbox other than metal zone (duh). Damn...
Canis said:
Oh man, that's cool... Have you got any idea how to get those if you're in europe? I'd hate having it to order from god-knows-where, while it would be relatively easy for me to go to Italy or something, so if they have any distributors there, that would be kinda cool. I'm from slovenia, you know.

If you're Slovenian, you could try . It's a Croatian shop located in Zagreb and they stock Schecter. You can download the pricelist from their site... Hope this helps! ;)
Well you wanted another clip, so I got to it. This was inspired somewhat by Mayhem, only I failed miserably to rip them off...I think so anyway. Check it out...

Open chords, fast tremolo picking, and "shred" as Tornio puts it, hehe...well my take on what he means anyway. Comment!

SickBoy said:
If you're Slovenian, you could try . It's a Croatian shop located in Zagreb and they stock Schecter. You can download the pricelist from their site... Hope this helps! ;)

Hey, thanks man! :) Nice to see neighbours here! I'll check it out. Hmm, come to think of it, I wonder if it's possible to get them in slovenia, too?
hey guys sry for the dumb question, but which prog can i create easily drums beat for composing?