Seymour Duncan Blackout Bridge vs. EMG81 - ROUND 2!! (and DTB content :D)

That thing is fucking sexy. I've had my sights on a marshall JVM but after hearing about reliability issues I'm leaning towards a recto.
Thanks! :) Yeah, it's a beaut alright, and while it's taken me some time to get it dialed in right (and discovering how awesome LPF'ing mic'ed amp tracks is, seriously can't stress enough how life-changing that was for me!), I'm totally loving the tones I can get out of it now!

JUST DON'T GET A SINGLE REC!! :ill: (IMO of course, but IME they really just don't have the tone of the Duals and Triples)
Thanks! :) Yeah, it's a beaut alright, and while it's taken me some time to get it dialed in right (and discovering how awesome LPF'ing mic'ed amp tracks is, seriously can't stress enough how life-changing that was for me!), I'm totally loving the tones I can get out of it now!

JUST DON'T GET A SINGLE REC!! :ill: (IMO of course, but IME they really just don't have the tone of the Duals and Triples)
Yeah I've always heard this too, but strangely enough Jens Bogren owns one. I'm not sure if it ends up on most of his work though.

You're getting some great tones, keep up the steady improvement :kickass:
Thanks a lot dude! :) That's true that the Fascination Street Studios equipment list has a Single Rec on there, but in the Jens Bogren appreciation thread he only mentioned the 2-channels and the Road King, so maybe that's telling...
Thanks a lot dude! :) That's true that the Fascination Street Studios equipment list has a Single Rec on there, but in the Jens Bogren appreciation thread he only mentioned the 2-channels and the Road King, so maybe that's telling...
ah good call.
I prefer both 'a' tracks. Really like how full the BO sounds here, but again it depends what you're looking for.

One thing to note about shootouts like this, it can give us a general idea about what pickups sound like, but it's not gonna be the same between guitars. I have two near identical jackson dr3's that sound different! Instead of one pickup sounds 'better' then the other, use it as a reference point so you know when a piece of gear can be beneficial. Like marcus finding characteristics in the 81 he likes enough to want a beefier sounding guitar.
I prefer both 'a' tracks. Really like how full the BO sounds here, but again it depends what you're looking for.

One thing to note about shootouts like this, it can give us a general idea about what pickups sound like, but it's not gonna be the same between guitars. I have two near identical jackson dr3's that sound different! Instead of one pickup sounds 'better' then the other, use it as a reference point so you know when a piece of gear can be beneficial. Like marcus finding characteristics in the 81 he likes enough to want a beefier sounding guitar.
of course. there's always been an assumption by many that EMGs sound very similar in different guitars. Not true at all, not any more than with any other pickup.
Should've seen the epic David vs Goliath argument I had to have against a majority of guitarists on a local Melbournian forum about that one.

musicians should learn not to debate engineers on sound. I wouldn't debate a pro session guitarist on technique. Over in Germany they have a lot more respect for the recording process.
I love the open chords with the Bo b! The palm muted stuff is better with the 81 a. Under the line all 4 examples sounds GREAT as usual. I would like to hear your guitar sound together with a real recorded drumset and a proper Bass.

Edit: For your next project I´d contribute a few bars real recorded drums and a bass. Purely out of curiosity and fun..and this would be FUN, I´m sure :) Let me know, what you think about it.
I haven't read the other posts but I like 81a best, less muddy, more open and dynamic. Definately less work needed to make it sit :D

As for the tones they are very cutting and fat, I'm not such a huge "very mid"-style fanboy but in no way is this a bad tone, I just try to get my tones just above "too scooped" level so this has too much lowmids and say 800hz-1.2k mids, still a bit honky ;)
Well thanks for the clarification in the edit, I was about to ask you to not be so cryptic :D But yeah, while I've accepted and agreed with a lot of criticism about my tones so far (and learned like crazy from it), I feel like they've allowed me to finally reach a point where I can chalk it up to differences in tastes - so the mids are staying! :D But thank you for your honest feedback, don't think I don't still want it! (and that goes for everyone else too, seriously - FUCKING LAY IT ON MY FOR FUCK'S SAKE, DON'T JUST LISTEN AND NOT BOTHER TO SAY ANYTHING CUZ YOU DON'T LIKE IT, TELL ME YOU DON'T LIKE IT, ARRGGGHHH :mad: :goggly: )
Haha I hear ya, dude I was having bad interwebz troubles the last couple of days, I was typing most with my mobile or something else that is intewebz capable, I didn't listen to it until now ;) Plus I think these kind of threads should reside within the "Rate my tone"-area, I wouldn't expect too much shootout clips here :D I know, I know, the pubs are equipment but blah, you know what I mean :heh: or maybe you don't :lol:

And of course, that's purely a matter of taste as far as the tone goes. But then again I'm listening more from a kinda mix-perspective. I'd rather have a spacey and wide mix, hard to do with such a very upfront tone :)
Oh yeah, I wasn't referring to you specifically with that tirade, more just a general bitch-fest :D And I hear ya about mix-perspective guitar tone taste, and I'm not ruling out the possibility that my tastes could change in that direction as well!
And as for the results, I actually was a little tricky with the organization hehehe

81 a = 81 9v and 81 b = 18v, however, with the Blackouts its the opposite (BO a is at 18v, and sounds MUCH better/tighter to me than BO b at 9v! Still prefer both 81's over it though)

Just answered a query i was about to raise about 18v-modding a set of BOs...


I'll have a listen to these later
i think that the sound examples are very similar,
so similar that i would feel kinda stupid i if would say that i like one of them more :D
EMG sounds just a little bit clearer, that's it.