Shaaman Disbands

You know what else would work? For Andre to get with Sasch Paeth again, but do an epic symphonic project instead of Virgo II.

Virgo was all right, but I don't want to see another one. But I would be excited to see those two work together again.

If he wants a solo album, can't beat Magnus Karlsson.
Angrafan said:
Man.. I love the guy.. And all the times I met him he was extremely cool!
But Andre Matos must be hard to work with!
will he ever get past the 3rd CD with any band? LOL
It's his third band already!

How'd you meet him? I'm curious, has the original Angra line up ever come to the US before? They said the reason Angra broke up was because of management and differences over management no? He seems like hes extremely professional, well mannered, and keeps good contacts from everything I can see. Though I think Ricardo always had musical differences with everyone else in Angra it seemed, do you know anything else about it the Shaaman breakup?
Dominick_7 said:
How'd you meet him? I'm curious, has the original Angra line up ever come to the US before? They said the reason Angra broke up was because of management and differences over management no? He seems like hes extremely professional, well mannered, and keeps good contacts from everything I can see. Though I think Ricardo always had musical differences with everyone else in Angra it seemed, do you know anything else about it the Shaaman breakup?

Angrafan and AngraRULES and IceQueen_ are all from Brazil and all of the three have had plenty of opportunities to meet them. LOL
From what I read in interviews on why Matos left Angra, it was artistic differences. Seems like it was that way with Shaman too.

Even great guys can have trouble staying in bands when the musical visions aren't meshing.
adaher said:
From what I read in interviews on why Matos left Angra, it was artistic differences. Seems like it was that way with Shaman too.

Even great guys can have trouble staying in bands when the musical visions aren't meshing.

no no no no no.. Their split was in real bad terms! Really bad! Musical differences was minor part of it..

But don't get me wrong! It would be wrong to just come here and call Andre Matos an asshole... It could be that he wasn't really the major part in the conflicts. .how would I know? I am just saying he has a track record of not staying together with a band for more than 3 records! LOL
He should just do solo stuff since his bands keep breaking up.

I would to love hear a more classical/melodic cd from his next project...
(Something new Angra can't do with Edu on vocals)
ReaLM said:
He should just do solo stuff since his bands keep breaking up.

I would to love hear a more classical/melodic cd from his next project...
(Something new Angra can't do with Edu on vocals)

Exactly. He sang fine while he sang cleanly similarily to Matos (though not in the same camp as Matos because I think Matos is not only better but the best..) and aparently didn't have problems until he changed his voice for Temple of you go to YouTube and hear him live not being able to do it..doing the higher register stuff without sounding incredibly horse or off key. Matos can sing it all and does so even better now. Let anyone buy the Shaaman RituAlive DVD and tell me otherwise.
Angrafan said:
no no no no no.. Their split was in real bad terms! Really bad! Musical differences was minor part of it..

But don't get me wrong! It would be wrong to just come here and call Andre Matos an asshole... It could be that he wasn't really the major part in the conflicts. .how would I know? I am just saying he has a track record of not staying together with a band for more than 3 records! LOL

EVen though he seems well mannered from what I've heard from them in interviews they don't sound like they have a really healthy way of relating to each other I don't think. That probebly is a big factor.