Shaaman Disbands

That is an ass-kicking billing for that tour. Did Matos do any songs with Viper? I wish I had seen Edguy back then too, the current tour was a little too Rocket Ride heavy for my taste. :(
Man..wait one question before I go to sleep..Ill forget to ask otherwise..

Whats with Aquaria? Didnt they have a long dark haired tanned/darker skin singer? Now its said that Vitor left, but he has short hair and is very very light that the same guy who recorded the Aquaria album and left to go be with Endless? They have his pic both on their official and at Endless, but he doesnt look the same..Im confused. I know if I stay out of the sun (which I usually do) I get pretty light like this guy (if its the same dood) and can get really tan as well.. but he just also looks like a different dood..yet they sound identical..

Not only is Aquaria amazing, Im specifically asking cause that guy whoever he is, has an AMAZING voice!!!! And youre right Endless is AWESOME! Im gunna addd them at myspace..and Im gunna check out that list Angrafan and Im gunna try to add all of them too. K goodnight for real this time..but now Im excited..maaan. Anyways, chao.

YOU ROCK! Thank you thank you.
ReaLM said:
Shamann was awesome live! :rock:
I saw Shamann with Viper, Kotipelto, and Edguy 2 years ago.

It was mainly Matos that made Shamann awesome live; he is an amazing front man (that is probably why he doesn't stay in bands very long; the others probably sick of him getting all the attention and stealing the show).

It was also great to see Matos and Sammet do some songs together. (Also having two of the hottest lead singers out there on stage together was an added bonus :) ...too bad there were thousands of people in front of me; I'm thankful for giant video screens)

I'm sure any band Matos fronts will kick ass live; I hope we can get him to PP some day.

That's cool! You went to the DVD gig, right? :) I think that was the biggest crowd in Shaaman/Angra history!
I don't think either band played for as many people as a headliner ever! It was something like 8, 9 thousand people!
Dominick_7 said:
and Im gunna check out that list Angrafan and Im gunna try to add all of them too. K

YOU ROCK! Thank you thank you.

It was ANGRARULES that put the fuckign list up, goddammit!!! :lol::lol:

Screw that poser, fake angrafan guy...LOL
Angrafan said:
Sorry! I didn't mean it! :P

Haha it's ok man:) did bring a camera into ONE of the shows yes?:) I've heard in Andre MAtos interviews he likes that people look and watch bootlegs cause we're also the ones who buy their albums. I would have LOVED to see them in Holy Land live, or any with the original line up even..
Dominick_7 said:
Hey doodz/ You speak some portugese right? Could you summarize what it says for us who dont speakee itee?

The extent of my Portuguese proficiency is saying "puta que pariu" at appropriate moments. But thanks to google language tools, I can tell you the letter is sort of reflective/mourning about the end of the band and has a sort of "it was good while it lasted" message.

On a related note, has anyone here heard of Heavy Merdas? Lol.
Whoa I'm hearing that Matos and the Mariutti brothers played a show last night at Live n' Louder in São Paolo with a new drummer, anyone else hear that?
I can confirm that Matos & co. did play saturday night!



The setlist was:
Distant Thunder - Shaaman
Nothing to Say - Angra
Fairy Tale - Shaaman
Carry On - Angra

and two Viper songs, the person who got me this info isn't familiar enough with Viper to know. :( It's a good bet that one was Living for the Night though. Also no word on who was drumming.

EDIT: A bunch more pics! You can see the drummer, I have no clue who it is.
BenMech said:
Umm Milton or that Fake-o - How'd you manage to make a Brazillian metal band list WITHOUT Sepultura??????

Ben, come on now, you can do better than this. I would assume you realized this is not just any type of metal bands, only the ones I would assume people in the forum would enjoy (not that people here DONT enjoy Sepultura). If you notice, there's barely any extreme metal bands in my list if any.